
BN Dog Fight! – Tengah ‘Plotters’ Scrap For Candidates EXCLUSIVE

Taib loyalists are again confiding in Sarawak Report over details of alleged plans to seize control of politics in Sarawak, in order to topple the Chief Minister after the coming federal election..

CNN’s John Defterios Also Flogged FBC Media’s Illicit Services To Microsoft, Azerbaijan, Uzbeks, Khazakhs, Mubarak.. !

American blogger Josh Trevino’s belated confessions about the more than one million ringgit he received from Malaysian PMs Abdul Badawi and Najib Razak to attack and slander the opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim and others has left his former colleagues and bosses at FBC Media exposed. This includes the high-profile CNN anchorman John Defterios, who was

BN’s ‘Cyber-Warriors’ Exposed!

  They pose as ordinary folk, describing themselves as “a fraternity of local bloggers each with their own unique and respective backgrounds”. However, we can reveal that a new network of pro-BN websites is actually a front run by a handful of paid journalists, who are secretly financed by Awang Tengah and organised by Taib’s

‘Money Politics’ – How It Corrupts Society Top Downwards, sara

The pernicious influence of so-called ‘Money Politics’ in Sarawak has been fully exposed by the terrible story this week about how a secretary to the SUPP Minister, Francis Harden ak Holles, ruthlessly stole the small state allowance of a badly disabled constituent. The cruel and greedy woman had told Ho Tiong Hwa, from Jalan Kapitan, Sri

Taib Conducts His Annual Raid On Timber Tycoons In Sibu

One of the penalties of being a top timber tycoon is that your Chinese New Year celebrations are each year ruined by the arrival of Taib Mahmud, demanding his usual ‘Ang Pow’. This year as Taib makes his annual descent on Sibu the Chief Minister will be demanding double dues to pay for an election

Slapped Down By Taib! – I Didn’t Mean That, Masing Grovels

As predicted by Sarawak Report, James Masing has been immediately taken to task by his BN boss for daring to say publicly that the 12 dams planned under SCORE are not necessary. Within hours of the appearance of the Land Development Minister’s explosive admissions during an interview with the international news agency AFP, Masing was

Masing SCOREs Own Goal For BN

Was the Land Development Minister authorised yesterday when he confirmed all the criticisms about his Chief Minister’s mad dam projects and agreed with the opposition parties and campaigners that they aren’t all necessary? If so, can the Chief Minister immediately and officially confirm on behalf of the Sarawak State Government that his plans for 8

BN’s Baram Crisis !

At the last Federal Election Taib did not bother to visit Baram. To him it was just a source of timber which he could exploit, handing vast logging concessions to his crony companies like Samling and to politicians he needed to control, while leaving the people destitute. One such politician was Jacob Sagan, the local

YUK! – Masing’s Disgusting Election Stunt Humiliates Landowners

The pained expressions of these poor landowners from Beluru say it all. The Borneo Post described them as an “elated lot” as they were forced yesterday to parade before the cameras holding up monster cheques promoting ‘dividends’ from their oil palm ‘joint venture’. In fact their shame and humiliation is plain for all to see.

Taib Turns King Coal

Chief Minister Taib Mahmud’s Norwegian side-kick, Torstein Dale Sjotveit, is clearly worth every penny of his $4million plus salary each year. As the CEO of Sarawak Energy, he has proved happy to support and promote every plan the Chief Minister puts forward, even when it involves pouring public money into Taib’s own family companies (which

How Taib’s Naughty Cousin Hamed Is Defying The Law In Liberia!

The Chief Minister’s cousin, Hamed Sepawi is one of Malaysia’s richest men. He has achieved this status due to the lavish handouts made to his various companies by the State of Sarawak, thanks to decisions by Taib himself. Hamed has received vast timber and plantation concessions and huge contracts, through Tan Ann, Sarawak Plantation, Naim

The Plot To Dump Taib! MAJOR EXCLUSIVE

Sarawak Report has received an explosive dossier from sources close to Taib, detailing a powerful conspiracy to depose the Chief Minister at the next PBB Party Convention, due in May. The high-level defectors will maintain a pretence of unity during the coming federal election, expected in March, but have collected enough supporters to supplant Taib

Save Sarawak’s Petro-Billions – URGENT ALERT

The people of Sarawak face a theft of the utmost gravity and we urge them to take their future in their hands to save their oil and gas. It has been barely mentioned in the local media that huge new reserves of both oil and gas are being discovered on land and within Sarawak’s waters,

Media Wars!

The Chief Minister has lost his cool and demanded the federal government adopt illegal means to jam the independent radio station, Radio Free Sarawak. At the same time, his political client, the leader of PRS James Masing, appeared even more heat up as he called for the military to be brought in to shut the

Taib Family Logging Company Kicked Out Of Liberia!

Taib’s cousin, the logging tycoon and key political figure Hamed Sepawi, has been booted out of the African country Liberia by a Presidential decree to halt corrupt and illegal logging. It makes for another blow to the Sarawak potentate’s international reputation, following condemnation this week in the Swiss Parliament. Sepawi’s company Perkapalan Damai Timar (PDT)

Stop Doing Business With Taib!

The mounting evidence about Malaysia’s world-beating levels of corruption has raised growing questions for those international companies which are risking their reputations by engaging with characters like Abdul Taib Mahmud. For example, DAP have once again drawn attention to the gaping Black Hole in Sarawak’s recently published public accounts. It represents RM11billion of public funds which have

Happy New Year? – ‘Black Magic’ And Betrayal Engulf BN!

Sarawak Report has been made privy to extraordinary accusations of betrayal and ‘black magic’ from deep inside Taib Mahmud’s family-run regime, as deadly rivals square up to succeed the failing Chief Minister. Allies of brother-in-law, Adenan Satem, who is fighting a fatal heart disease, have confided that they believe his condition is the work of

Money Laundering? Questions In Australia for Taib’s Brother Onn – EXCLUSIVE!

Chief Minister, Taib Mahmud’s business-partner brother Onn has left some very awkward questions to be answered in Sydney, where his family lives in one of the city’s smartest houses, over-looking the harbour bridge. Documents obtained by Sarawak Report plainly show that Onn Mahmud has offered conflicting information to the Australian authorities, in order first to

Reuters Adds To the Questioning Over Taib’s Mad Dam Plans

The world’s top news agency has now added to the growing number of features questioning Taib Mahmud’s crazy idea to turn Sarawak into a vast ‘Industrial Park’, providing cheap electricity for the world’s dirtiest smelting industries. In its feature on the Murum Dam the recent Reuters article begins with the observation that at least 40

Top Australian Paper Details Taib’s Greed!

The growing international understanding of Taib’s style of corrupted and kleptocratic (thieving) government is reflected in an opinion piece published this week by Australia’s Canberra Times. The article criticises the “destruction of the Borneo Rainforests” and Taib’s “Great Leap Forward” plans for 12 mega-dams: “There is method in the madness. As critics repeatedly point out,

Taib Strikes Sarawak’s Oil At Last!

Almost exactly a year ago Sarawak Report alerted that Taib and his hand-in-glove timber crony Tiong Hiew King were moving in to lay hands on Sarawak’s oil and gas reserves. Now the announcement has been confirmed! RH Petrogas, which is owned by Tiong, has just snatched 80% of a joint venture with Petronas to exploit

Hydro Tasmania Is To QUIT Sarawak EXCLUSIVE!

Sarawak Report has learnt that campaigners can claim victory after statements yesterday by Hydro Tasmania boss, Roy Adair, pledging that the company is withdrawing from its guiding role over Taib’s mega-dam projects. Adair, who had till recently enthused over Hydro Tasmania’s partnership with Sarawak Energy’s programme of up to 50 dams to power Taib’s ambitious

“Economic Sabotage”!

Taib has descended from his pedestal to engage with critics of his ‘great leap forward’ plan to plonk 50 hydro-electric dams across Sarawak’s rivers. That is to say, he has raged at unnamed persons from his platform at the DUN, who dared to say that he might not have had such a good idea with