
Taib Grabs Yet More Billions Out Of Sarawak’s Destruction!

Australia’s support for Taib Mahmud’s SCORE project is becoming ever more deeply questionable, as the corruption surrounding every project in which it has sought to be involved gets plainer by the day. The message should be coming through clear by now.  If you do business with Taib Mahmud’s Sarawak then you are immersing yourself in […]

What A Little Bird Told Us – Time For Change?

The Chief Minister is well known for his obsession with black magic and omens, despite his proclaimed Muslim faith, which bans both. Sinister black birds are known to been allowed to hop freely around his home in Damak Jaya, spooking guests. The basement is packed with shrines and bomoh artefacts, all part of Taib’s attempt

Mystery of Masing’s Million Ringgit Mansion

The huge homes belonging to Taib Mahmud’s political allies is one of the unanswered and glaring issues in Sarawak. How come so many ministers and YBs, who started on their political careers with no wealth at all, have ended up living in such style, when the salaries for public office are quite rightly modest? There

What Justice For The Victims Of Sarawak’s Timber Gangs?

Fear of gangsters is widespread in Sarawak and with good reason.  These are the operators outside the law who enforce the greedy land grabs and logging concessions handed out by Taib to his cronies. By using gangsters, Taib and his business partners avoid being directly implicated and can pretend to have nothing to do with

Democracy Versus Rigged Elections In Sarawak!

Many of the world’s worst dictators try to claim legitimacy through the ballot box, so that they can proudly claim that they are voted time and again into office by their ‘loving’ people. In fact, they cheat. Taib is one of these and probably the only person he is fooling is himself. The methods Taib

Justice Versus The Law In Sarawak

All human beings can understand justice. Where there is injustice it is up to our law-makers to legislate to prevent it and then for our courts to uphold those laws. But in Sarawak, where growing numbers of poor communities are being forced to desperate measures to save their lands and livelihoods, we often see the courts

Pushed To ‘War’ – Ibans Threaten Traditional Combat Against The Curse Of Sarawak’s Cruel Evictions

Tens of thousands of families are being forced from their homes by Taib’s fanatical dam projects across the state.However, there is another equally devastating piece-meal process of eviction going on, as plantation companies continue to bully the longhouse folk from their native lands. As the Ibans of Rumah Niah dress for ‘war’, have Taib’s land grabbers pushed too far this time?

Sarawak’s Construction YBs Notch Up Another Mega-Corruption Project!

Another mega-corruption project has just been awarded to Sarawak’s ‘Construction YBs’. Sarawak Report has frequently exposed how a large number of elected YBs have become directors and shareholders of construction companies, which then benefit to the tune of millions of ringgit from public contracts handed to them by their political boss, the Chief Minister, Taib Mahmud.

Don’t Mention Dengue Fever Outbreak – It Might Spoil My Party! EXCLUSIVE

We have learnt that hospital staff in Lawas were instructed by the local YB, Awang Tenggah (Taib’s favoured side-kick), to keep quiet about an outbreak of Dengue Fever last month. The extraordinary intervention occurred at an emergency meeting at the hospital during the week before the Lawas Festival, after several cases had been reported in

Stand Up For Your Rights – A Win For Sebangan!

Today the Iban communities of Sebangan are celebrating yet another victory against Taib and the BN government of Sarawak. These people own the rights to one of the last remaining areas of un-destroyed rainforest in the region north of Kuching. However, Taib’s greedy sister Raziah could not bear to think of those trees still left

BN’s Brat Pack Boys – Snowdan Lawan

The UK has changed government 11 times since the date that Malaysia was given independence and in the same period France has had 20 Prime Ministers. However, during that entire 55 years UMNO/BN has grasped onto power, while at the same time calling Malaysia a democracy. The result has been predictable.  The few families in

How Corruption Filters Down – Dirty Deals At Sarawak Energy

As all Malaysia now knows, BN/UMNO’s grip on power relies on the continuing support of two corrupted Chief Ministers in East Malaysia. Both Taib Mahmud and Musa Aman are up to their eyes in money stolen from their people and from the destruction of their home states through unsustainable logging and oil palm plantation. Many

Fun With Pictures!

Today Sarawak Report has decided to take a respite from investigative activity and to allow some pictures to speak for themselves. In a recent statement, the Taib-owned timber company, Ta Ann, has sought to refute concerns that it is responsible for environmental degeneration and human exploitation in Sarawak. It has also accused Radio Free Sarawak

Backing Out Of Bakun – Rio Tinto Pulls Out!

The question marks over Taib’s pet mega-project, the billion dollar Bakun Dam, have just multiplied into a full-blown crisis for the so-called ‘CEO of Sarawak’. The global mining company, Rio Tinto Alcan, has just announced that it is pulling out of the much-touted aluminium smelter venture, SALCO [..]

BN YB Roland Sagah’s ‘Cottage Industry’ – Expose!

Outraged readers of Sarawak Report have been queuing up to dish the dirt on BN’s Dirty Datuks over the past few days. We have received widespread information about corrupted practices from insiders, who are clearly sickened by the greedy YBs, who have been cheating their constituents for decades. And it seems that many of those

Roads To Riches – Richard Riot MP, EXPOSE!

We can demonstrate that Malaysia’s Deputy Foreign Minister, the BN/SUPP MP for Serian Richard Riot, has also been involved in the disgusting practice of profiting out of projects meant for his own constituency. In this case a RM9.3million ringgit road building project has been awarded to a company he controls through his son, Akjaemura Jaya

Sarawak’s ‘Super Datins’ – Datin Daud

Women in the West are given to grumbling about the ‘glass ceiling’ that prevents even the most qualified and hard-working females from getting top management jobs and directorships. However, their Sarawak sisters seem to have no such difficulties – as long as they are Datins that is. The ‘Super Datins’ of Sarawak seem to achieve

Lihan Jok’s ‘Gifts From God’

Former BN State Assemblyman, Lihan Jok, famously lectured his constituents that the Baram Dam was “a gift from God”. But, who does Lihan Jok mean by God? The Baram Dam is a man made project and it will destroy some of the last remaining areas of untouched beauty on God’s Earth. So, by ‘God’ was

More For Jabu, Fadillah Yusof and Abit Joo !

Over the past few days we have exposed some of the corrupt hand outs that have benefitted BN’s Dirty Datuks. But, once someone has embarked on cheating their people to get rich, they don’t stop. They keep looking for more. So, we now present some more of the corrupt sources of income [..]


Over recent days, PRS leader James Masing has attempted to defend the indefensible regarding his political persecution of a disabled man and his admission that he and his deputy sought kickbacks for NCR lands, taken for plantations. So, we await his excuses over our latest information[..]