
As Najib Denies All Over 1MDB, Let’s Not Forget His Many Other Criminal Connections – COMMENT

No wonder Najib’s own family, his former mentor, Dr Mahathir, and so many others from his own BN coalition (none of them saints themselves) have fallen away in shock and disgust. They know him best….

Held Hostage By Najib And PetroSaudi! THE JUSTOS SPEAK OUT – MAJOR EXCLUSIVE!

Justo was blackmailed into a forced confession without a lawyer present; the confession was taken by a British employee of PetroSaudi in the absence of any Thai officials or police; the PetroSaudi Director Patrick Mahony, the man behind all the accusations against Justo, gained exclusive access and supervision over him in jail; Mahony said the situation was being ultimately “controlled” by Najib; the lawyers and PR team, supposed to be representing Justo were, hired and controlled by PetroSaudi…

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