
Still Being Paid By Jho Low And, If So, How? – Lawyers Keep Mum As Questions Mount

Sarawak Report has challenged Kobre & Kim who handled Jho Low’s PR and surrender of stolen assets to admit whether they still represent the fugitive and what due diligence they do on money laundering as so-called ‘Reputation law firms’ now find themselves in the spotlight for servicing dodgy billionaires…….

Another ‘Special Task Force’ – Friend Or Foe To The Rule Of Law?

Najib has published his own self-justifications daily on Facebook and in a proxy book by his communications advisor Roman Bose. Therefore, his vengeance against the former AG for exercising his own freedom to write a book is telling. UMNO’s ‘Special Task Force’ is the Court Cluster’s latest blatant attempt to re-write history and cancel court judgements to avoid the jail sentences they deserve….

Red Notice Signals Red Faces For The Sabri Government

The Malaysian Government has stated that the Editor of Sarawak Report is a ‘fugitive’ who has “fled abroad to avoid prosecution”. For this they state they are issuing an INTERPOL Red Notice request. Does Malaysia need yet more such National Embarrassment over Najib and 1MDB?….

Najib’s Big Lie Is Malaysia’s Humiliation

The convicted former prime minister of Malaysia has taken Big Lie Theory to ludicrous new lows as he seeks to swap prison for the job of UMNO president once more. For his country and it floundering economy it represents a devastating humiliation that should not be permitted by any responsible government…..

Blow For The PetroSaudi Boys As US Court Issues Warrant For Their Venezuela Money

A key door has now slammed shut on the tenacious legal strategy on the part of PetroSaudi’s Tarek Obaid to hang on to hundreds of millions stolen from 1MDB. That legal battle has cost a considerable chunk of the stolen money, however Obaid looks unlikely now to see any of it in his own bank accounts as he faces simultaneous criminal charges over his actions …….

Silence From The MOF As The MACC Investigates Itself?

The MACC currency checked each note of the $6million they confiscated back in 2018 and then held it under their own custody despite a police report from Hasanah who explained the money was not hers. Now they only have fraudulent forged notes to hand back to the public purse…….

Two Brothers, Which To Believe?

Nazir Razak has once again stood up with welcome and truthful rebuttals of his own brother’s shocking narratives. He has described Malaysia as on the brink of collapse thanks to the Three Headed Monster of “increased corruption, hardening communal identity, and Umno’s concentration of power”. He should put his money where his mouth is……..

What’s Up With The PetroSaudi Boys?

Hints have emerged of a key new potential witness having surrendered to the US prosecutors who are still examining 1MDB. The development looks set to transform the evidence available on the case, none of which is likely to assist in the appeal and pleas of innocence put forward by UMNO’s supposedly re-habilitated ‘hero’ the convicted ex-PM Najib Razak…..

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