Speakers' Corner

Occasional contributions from readers, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Sarawak Report but may be published at the discretion of the site

Open Letter To The Rakyat Of Semananjong

The Malay community was promised by UMNO in 1957 and since that its position of primacy would remain permanently The handicaps, resulting mainly from the fact that is largely an economic underclass, would be erased by special status and special privileges not open to other citizens of the new Malaysia. On that basis UMNO received […]

Timber Thieves

For decades the tropical forests of Sarawak and Sabah have been pillaged by thieves. Timber companies and politicians have shared equally in the proceeds of this environmental crime and become billionaires on the back of it. They pay bribes; not taxes and at the same time have almost entirely destroyed a natural resource that belongs

Plain Speaking

There comes a time in the history of every nation when speaking out changes from an option to a necessity. For Malaysia that time is now. Every Malaysian knows about the cimes committed by Najib Razak and only the corrupted few around him pretend otherwise. For money? For jobs? To try to save their own

Seminal Moments and Missed Opportunities

History is full of examples  where political leaders have faced these moments and failed to act or even to notice. The terrible catastrophe of World War Two need never have happened if those then in positions of power and responsibility had acted decisively when newly minted Reich Chancellor Hitler ordered his troops into the then

Too Many Foreign Labourers Could Threaten Our National Security

The construction industry and the agriculture sector in Malaysia requires more skilled labor and semi-skilled workers to generate the national economy. The demand of employment which was very much needed in all sectors of the national economy. There’s no denying the problem of the labor force in this country urgently needed because many local people,


People all over the world worry about big problems like hunger, like climate change, like bad or inefficient government; and many others that affect most or all of us. But no one seems to worry about the fundamental problem driving the rest.  Corruption. If justice can be bought. If governments can be bought. If everything

Water Water Everywhere and Not A Drop To Drink

Recently Malaysian PM Najib paid an unpublicised visit to Singaore, even going so far as to leave from an East coast town in order to avoid media attention. Was he asking the Singapore Government for that $600 million plus in his bank account to be unfrozen? His plea did not exactly fall on deaf ears,

The Coming Sarawak State Election

This contest could hardly have come at a worse time for Malaysia’s ruling BN party which is  struggling to pretend that its President, Najib Razak, is not a mega thief and worse and that Malaysia is  not riddled with corruption and criminal activity; not merely tolerated by BN but managed by it. In normal democratic

Shades Of The Prison Walls

First Switzerland, then Singapore. Then the US and now London. All investigating money laundering and other crimes by Najib Razak’s criminal bed-fellows. Did he ever seriously think that these could cheat both his own people AND the international monetary authorities?  The first, maybe. Corruption is hardly a new phenomenon in Malaysia, but never before on

The Top Leaker

Sometimes those who leak real or pretend secrets do so for reasons of conscience. Others do it for money or other material reward. Some others yet from pride or conscience. But few, very few, do it out of sheer stupidity. So Attorney General, ex-judge and nascent business tycoon at Tabung Haji, Apandi stands out as

The sword of Damocles

Just like that ancient Greek each time Najib sits down to eat he can feel the sword hanging by its thin thread directly over his head.  And the eventual consequences will be identical.  For Najib the proverbial sword is the reluctant agreement by Singapore to slow the pace of the criminal enquiries into money laundering

A business deal?

Prime and Finance Minister Najib is forced by a Saudi Ministerial denial, to claim that his hundred  million dollar hand out did not, after all, come from the late King Abdullah nor from any Saudi government funds and, by implication, that Saudi Arabia is not funding “moderate” Islamic governments in the Far East. Well, what’s

A Country Crying For Change..

If you live in a country where a top government dare to lie through the thick skin of his teeth about RM2.6 billion donated into his own personal bank account “seems about right,” and the people don’t revolt, you know you are in a country run by country full of idiots. If you live in

A threat to the sultanates?

With Malaysia mired in a huge political, financial and criminal scandal it needs to be asked what the Head of State is doing. Or not doing.  He has the unfettered power to act to lance the political boil but has not done so. This inactivity raises questions outside the question of using constitutional powers for

A Collapsing Ringgit

The ringgit, the national currency of Malaysia, has been on a downward trend for a long time; a trend that has in recent days accelerated. Why? Part of the reason must be the collapse in the oil price and  of other commodities on which Malaysia relies for most of its foreign income (and its ability

Malaysia at the crossroads

In the history of all nations there are seminal moments when their whole future is determined by what happens at that moment and whether there is one or more persons who, by acting, can change the course of events for the better; or, by inaction, ruin the country’s future. For example, in 1940, one man,

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