Who Do Crosby’s Conservative Party Clients Work For, Voters Or Big Tobacco?

Leaks prove CT Group are promoting corporate clients whilst advising its political clients, including Boris Johnson on how to pack the House of Lords. The influence-peddling, secrecy and conflicts of interest must end …….

The UK’s Lobbying & Lordships Racket Has To Stop

Britain’s lamentable dearth of rules has seen a catastrophic collapse of good governance in the face of greed at the heart of the Tory party. Prime Ministers should not be allowed to hawk honours nor should lobbyists accept secret foreign payments …….

A Major Donor To The Conservative Party And Client Of Liz Truss’s Election Guru Is Charged In The US For Bribing A Politician – EXCLUSIVE EXPOSE

A Venezuelan banker who donated £500k to the Tories and was also a client of the Party Chairman, Ben Elliot, hired the PM’s top advisor Sir Lynton Crosby to provide election support worth $300,000 to the former Governor of Puerto Rico. According to the FBI, it was a bribe for closing down an investigation into suspicious activities at his bank…..

US Prosecutors Now Targeting Bigger Goldfish Over 1MDB?

Following the unanimous conviction of Goldman Sachs banker Roger Ng in New York there are signs that prosecutors may be moving to target higher officials from the bank. After all, the trial exposed damning evidence about the men at the top and what they knew….

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