Land Grabs

Top US Economist Jeffrey Sachs Was ‘Cultivated’ and ‘Influenced’ To Become a ‘Champion’ of Sime Darby – Exclusive!

Sarawak Report has uncovered shocking documents, which detail a deliberate and orchestrated campaign by the Malaysian Oil Palm giant, Sime Darby, to court and seduce one of the world’s most celebrated economists into becoming an ‘Ambassador’ for the company[…]

Holland Condemns Malaysia’s Timber Certification!

Taib’s foreign business partners are working hard to present a picture that all is well in Sarawak and to imply that there are no issues with the wood logged from the state or its plantation programmes. However, their statements have been undermined by a ruling in Holland this week[..]

“Eco-Terrorists”? – Exclusive Revelations

Sarawak Report can disclose that the connections between Tasmania’s primary industries and the Chief Minister’s cousin, Hamed Sepawi, are far more extensive than previously publicised.
These worrying links not only threaten the integrity of old-growth forests back in Tasmania [..]

The Penan – Still Struggling to Save Our Jungle [FILM TRIBUTE]

The Penan are the iconic people of the Sarawak jungle. Most communities had settled into villages and rural life of one form or another over the last hundred years, but the Penan steadfastly stuck to their nomadic ways. With just a few possessions, easily carried on their backs, they have had nothing to lose but the jungle they live from[..]

‘Truth In Advertising’ – Ta Ann Exposed!

Last week Ta Ann accused The Green Party in Tasmania of false advertising over logging in Sarawak.

But now advertisements promoting Ta Ann’s products as ‘Eco-wood’ have been challenged by a devastating expose of the company’s own role in Tasmania! [..]

Prompt Action From Australia!

Kevin Rudd, Australia’s former Premier and current Foreign Minister has issued a prompt and positive response to our request for an investigation into the Taib family’s foreign assets in that country [..]

Australia Challenged To Investigate Ta Ann’s Investment In Tasmania

The leader of the Australian Green Party, Senator Bob Brown, has invited the Editor of Sarawak Report to Hobart, in order to speak about corruption in Sarawak this week. The senator is a representative from Tasmania, where the Taib-linked company Ta Ann is involved in controversial logging operations. At a press conference this morning reporters were

Sepawi’s Grubby Deal Exposed!

Prompted by the outburst of his own lawyers, Sarawak Report has now dug up further details about Hamid Sepawi’s dubious dealings over the plantation company Grand Perfect Sdn Bhd[..]

Sepawi Exposed By Own Outburst!

The Chief Minister’s cousin and business nominee, Hamed Sepawe, has exposed more of his own sleazy dealings as the result of an ill-judged, angry outburst against recent criticism [..]

Taib Is Made A Monkey Of!

Taib’s PR people have pictured a foreign animal in their attempts to show how fond the Chief Minister is of saving Sarawak’s wildlife! The greedy timber tycoon, who has spent his 30 years in office tearing down the Borneo jungle, is now making a belated attempt to pose as a champion of the environment. But, this classic mistake has

More Solidarity For Sarawak

This morning, in distant Tasmania, an intrepid group of young protesters defied Taib’s family company Ta Ann. They boarded a boat laden with wood that Ta Ann had taken from their own primary jungle, climbed right to the top of a crane tower and chained themselves to it. And they wanted to make their message clear.  They were

How Len Talif Salleh -“Objective” Civil Servant/BN Politician/Timber Company Boss – Swindled Long Terawan!

Re-printed from original of 21/5/2011 In the run up to the recent election the Director of the Forestry Department, which is responsible for handing out Timber Licences, Len Talif Salleh, paraded before the cameras supporting the Chief Minister’s laughable claims that 70% of Sarawak’s forests remain “primary or intact”. Salleh posed as an ‘objective’ civil servant, the Director of

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