Speakers' Corner

Occasional contributions from readers, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Sarawak Report but may be published at the discretion of the site

Shades Of The Prison Walls

First Switzerland, then Singapore. Then the US and now London. All investigating money laundering and other crimes by Najib Razak’s criminal bed-fellows. Did he ever seriously think that these could cheat both his own people AND the international monetary authorities?  The first, maybe. Corruption is hardly a new phenomenon in Malaysia, but never before on such an immense scale.

But, stealing from your own trusting family’s money box is one thing.  Putting up two fingers to the international monetary system is quite another.  As mega-thief-facilitator Najib is beginnng to discover. Can he seriously think that these crimes will remain hidden?  Even a fool could hardly be that naive.

It is all coming out and squads of fake sheiks and fantastic inventions cannot wash away cold, hard facts. Maybe he thinks he can tough it out in Malaysia; protected by bribe taking Ministers and MLAs and an obsequious poice force and Attorney General. But all that is good, if it stays good, only inside Malaysia.

Nowhere to run. Nowhere to hide. Simply waiting for the rats to desert him; as they are already planning to do and for the anger of the people to spill over and wash him away like the speck of dirt he has revealed himself to be.

The waiting may be long. It may well be bloody. One person can end it all now. The Agong, by dissolving Parliament.

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