Yes You Are Racist – It Is ALL You Are!

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The ‘Himpunan Rakyat Bersatu’ yesterday was not racist, according to Umno supreme council member Mohd Sharkar Shamsudin, who said the rally did not touch on sensitivities of other races and faiths.

The web portal Umno-Online quoted him as saying that the rally was only to “teach a lesson” to those who try to cause trouble with the Malays, especially the Islamic religion.

“This peaceful rally is not because of religious or racial differences, but is to teach a lesson to irresponsible parties so not to stir trouble with the Malays, especially Islam.

“This rally is also a historical moment in uniting Malays. Malays have done this before in 1946 to thwart British plans (to form the Malayan Union) and to found Umno, and now that Malays and Islam are challenged, we rise again to voice our stance and our feelings.

There is no point being racist and then denying you are racist, because the rest of the world can see you for what you are.

These people in Red Shirts emblazoned with violent pictures and slogans of hate against non-Malays should consider the impact of their childish, playground behaviour on others.

In particular, they should remember that Malays are not the ‘dominant’ race in that very rich area, gifted upon Malaysia in trust and united as EQUAL PARTNERS, which are the Borneo states.

One of the main reasons why West Malaysians are so comparatively well off these days is because they have been benefiting from the wealth extracted from Sabah and Sarawak since independence and this is not a very clever way to show thanks and fraternity.

How dare these strutting poppy cocks march to tell the people of Sarawak and Sabah that Malays are ‘dominant’ and non-Malays should be ‘taught a lesson’?  Likewise, the hard working minority communities, who also power so much of Malaysia’s urban generated wealth (like minority communities who benefit nations across the world).

Racism breaks up countries and Najib Razak can only blame himself for the growing indignation of the Borneo states, who see their religion, race and culture insulted and daily abused by ‘supremacists’ like this – equally the flight of Malaysia’s talented minorities to kinder places overseas.

If there have been stirrings of calls for autonomy over recent years, blame the Red Shirt mentality (thankfully not the Malay majority by any means) and the Prime Minister who pays them, like he paid for this march.

This weak man is exploiting society’s most negative and dangerous forces in order to suit his own cynical political ends and he has none of the ability needed to control the forces he is unleashing.

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