Vote BN as gratitude to Taib?

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For the people of Balingian constituency, to vote for Barisan Nasional (BN) candidate Yussibnosh Balo is to express their gratitude to former Chief Minister Pehin Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud.

“If you appreciate his contribution over the years and respect him, vote for BN,” said Adenan at the launch of BN Youth machinery by Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin at MDDM Field here yesterday.

Adenan said the development experienced by Mukah has been due to the far-sightedness of BN leaders in pushing for progress, enabling Mukah to grow from a fishing village into a hub.

Vote BN as gratitude to Taib? What gratitude has Taib shown Sarawak over the past 30 years? Taib has amassed extraordinary wealth at the expense of the indigenous people of Sarawak.

He has cheated them of their native lands, destroyed a unique rainforest environment, once rich in flora and fauna and turned the landscape into one large palm oil plantation. All for the financial benefit of himself, family members and a few elite cronies.

He has handed himself state contracts, promised communities schools and clinics, but communities are still left wondering when these election bribes will be constructed. Politicians are supposed to serve the people and BN should learn this.



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