Taib to go ahead with Baram dam despite protests

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Sarawak is going ahead with the development of two major hydroelectric dam projects that would raise the state’s total hydro power capacity to nearly 6,000MW.

SEB corporate communication manager Ahadiah Zamhari told StarBiz recently that the Baram dam project’s social environmental impact assessment study was in the final stage and its report was near completion.

She said the state government had decided to continue with the project’s resettlement action plan despite protests and blockades mounted by local villagers to stop the dam development.


So there it is, the Government of Sarawak plans to go ahead with the Baram dam despite clear protests and blockades by indigenous communities in Baram. Taib’s modus operandi is clear – business before human rights!

Protesters have been blockading at the proposed Baram dam site for 120 days and show no signs of backing down. They have witnessed what has happened to communities who have been resettled in Bakun and Murum and know what they stand to lose if they let the dam go ahead.

The Government of Sarawak has chosen to ignore the rights of indigenous peoples including the right to free, prior and informed consent.

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