So Who’s Desperate?

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BN strategic communication director Abdul Rahman Dahlan has lashed out at Rafizi Ramli over the latter’s denial after being implicated in allegedly forging 1MDB-related documents.

Commenting on the PKR vice-president’s description of the allegation as an “evil conspiracy”, the minister dismissed this as “desperate”.

“This is probably the worst reply ever coming from you. Do better next time, and drop the demonising part. You look desperate,” tweeted Abdul Rahman.

He also called it a “typical and predictable lame reply” from the PKR leader and questioned why Rafizi (photo) had demonised him when he was only the messenger.

“Why demonise me? Didn’t you always preach ‘don’t kill the messenger, focus on the message!’,” he tweeted

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Isn’t it exceedingly desperate of this Housing Minister to be treating a video statement by a known drunk, debtor and liar (and publisher of the Allah cartoons) as if it was proof?

It seems he prefers to use such ‘evidence’ over and above, for example, testing the information provided by Sarawak Report in a court of law.

Lester claims he worked in London with Sarawak Report 2012-13, when everyone there knows he was in Kuching.

Lester has in 24 hours first “confessed” he worked with Sarawak Report to concoct evidence and then later contradicted himself, saying that he was asked to concoct the evidence but refused.

Lester needs money and has ‘borrowed’ from all and sundry – now he admits he was paid for this video, but no one is holding their breath over being paid back.

Lester says he has ‘lost’ access to the email in which he claims SR admitted to this massive conspiracy of forgery with all sorts of different people.

However, not to worry because Sarawak Report still has this March 1st interchange.  It was initiated by Lester who congratulated on the recent exposes on 1MDB and said that it explained why he had not heard from SR for so long.

Oooops! were we not all supposed to be working in cahoots?

(see the email exchange in the screen shot across the page)

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