Should Enough Evidence Surface!

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Sarawak Report editor and founder Clare Rewcastle-Brown may be extradited to Malaysia for interfering in the country’s sovereignty if a “prima facie” case can be established, Home Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said.

In a statement tonight, Zahid said the government could start communicating with the British authorities for a possible extradition if the Malaysian police find concrete evidence to charge her here.

“As the concept of sovereignty is respected by all, I’m sure the British does not give its blessings to its citizen interfering in the affairs of other countries,” he said.

He said it was unacceptable that Rewcastle-Brown’s exposes on 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB) published on Sarawak Report had “ill intentions”.

Zahid said police were conducting investigations and should enough evidence surface, the ministry would make official contact with the British government through the Foreign Affairs Ministry so that legal action could be taken against Rewcastle-Brown.

The Home Minister must consider the majority of Malaysians to be thick headed.  One would not wish to be so rude as to venture the alternative explanation for his latest attempt to intimidate Sarawak Report.

Sarawak Report has not committed a crime recognisable in the UK (any more than in Malaysia),  so, how can we be extradited?

Otherwise homosexuals could have been dragged from the streets of London and sent over to KL in droves.

As for ‘sedition’, this is not been prosecuted in the UK for hundreds of years and it was abolished as a crime by the present Prime Minister – so he is unlikely to be enthusiastic about the idea if UK citizens being tried for it elsewhere.

No one in Malaysia has ever successfully defined what sedition means anyway. Is reporting a crime sedition if it annoys powerful people?

Zahid sounds even sillier by admitting that he still needs to work out what evidence there might be against us before he can call up his ‘friends’ in Scotland Yard and ask them to boot us over to face Malaysian ‘justice’.

Maybe he should have figured that out before issuing his threats? After all, as the dictum goes “”better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.”

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