Ramesh Doesn’t Get It

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A group of non-government organisations are planning a rally outside the British High Commission in the city tomorrow morning to pressure the UK government to act against the London-based founder and editor of whistleblower website Sarawak Report (SR), Clare Rewcastle Brown.

The 11.30am rally is organised by Pertubuhan Minda and Sosial Prihatin (PMSP), a little-known outfit that has expressed staunch support for the Barisan Nasional (BN) government and which has been critical of SR’s articles on state-owned 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB).

PMSP chairman Ramesh Rao Krishnan Naidu said the NGOS will hand over a memorandum demanding that the UK authorities rein in Rewcastle Brown from meddling in the affairs of another country.

“Clare, stay away from Malaysia,” read a poster Ramesh sent to Malay Mail Online as his comment on his NGO’s rally against Rewcastle Brown.

Perhaps Ramesh will actually show his face this time.

He doesn’t get it, does he?

Britain is run by the rule of law, which means there is nothing the UK government can do to stop Sarawak Report exercising its freedom of speech and exposing corruption.

To the contrary, the authorities in the UK have instead moved to do their lawful duty by agreeing to protect Sarawak Report from an army of UMNO funded hackers, stalkers and phone tappers, who HAVE been breaking the law by these actions.

Ramesh is a bankrupt.  He should concentrate on paying his debts and owning up over who is paying him and his protege Lester Melanyi, who is also bankrupt, to play these games.

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