PM Without Clothes Is Porn!

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If transparency and openess results in the government being too ‘naked’, then  such efforts  could be seen as similar to promoting pornography, Minister in the Prime Minister Department in charge of integrity Paul Low said…


“Why I say pornography it is because it means everything (is exposed),” Low said when speaking at a forum in Kuala Lumpur.

The issue of openness, he explained, was whether society was able to digest it and not politicise matters.

“The issue is, how much openness? How much can the society accept  openness in a responsible manner? Without spinning, without allegations, without exaggeration?

“This is the key point the government will ask,” he said, adding that he is all for openness.

Low used to work for Transparency International, an NGO that promotes open government.

Now he works for Najib, so he changes tune and condemns open government – clearly he is obedient for his supper.

Yet the arguments are getting a little too simple and desperate surely, even for the least sophisticated listeners (e.g. children).

Najib has today branded all critics of corruption as “enemies of Islam”, while Paul Low describes the demand for accountability over missing billions as “porn”.

This is presumably in order that Jatem can direct mosques to accuse Sarawak Report of Islamaphobia and spreading porn.

But, it is the Prime Minister himself who is now stark naked and shocking everybody – Low should not try to blame the honest voices in the crowd, however much he is being paid.

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