Paid To Take Part In Bersih?

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A group which claims to be supporters of Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak has threatened to gather tens of thousands to protest against the Bersih 4 rally come Aug 29.

Calling itself ‘Gabungan NGO-NGO Malaysia’, the group also said it would gather in front of Bersih chairperson Maria Chin Abdullah’s house if the rally goes ahead as planned.

“They will face 30,000 people against the rally if they continue with it,” said the coalition’s leader Jamal Mohd Yunos .

“We will also not hesitate to gather 6,000 to 7,000 people to open up stalls in front of Maria’s house.”

The group, which protested today at Jalan Masjid India, had brought along a cardboard cutout of Maria.

The 30 or so protesters, who wore yellow t-shirts with the words ‘Kita menyokong Perdana Menteri (We support the Prime Minister)’, later poured a red liquid to resemble blood on top of the cutout.

The cutout was then dumped into a rubbish bin after it was stomped on by the protesters.

Jamal said action must be taken against organisers as previous rallies had affected the country’s peace and image in the eyes of tourists.

He also demanded that the Bersih rally organisers declare the details of funding they received for the rally, claiming that protesters were paid to participate in the rally.

It is amazing how self-revealing such people as Jamal Mohamed Yunos always are.

He accuses the humble people of Bersih, who have no access to any of the pleasures of Najib’s state-funded largesse (unlike BN MPs, now upped to a RM3 million allowance at taxpayers’ expense) of being guilty of paying their marchers.

Yet it is BN leaders themselves who have an established practice of paying their ‘adoring crowds’ – in fact who hasn’t mentally totted 30,000 x RM50 and worked out just how much Najib has funded Yunos to prepare this ‘counter-march’?

Yunos next, none too subtly, threatens the female organiser of Bersih by pouring symbolic blood over her cut-out and vowing to wait in gangs outside her house, while at the same time complaining Bersih are endangering the peace.

And, of top of all that, he accuses Bersih of ruining Malaysia’s image in front of tourists, when in fact the whole world has started talking instead about how embarrassing Malaysia’s own Prime Minister has become.

The last Bersih march had 300,000 participants.  With his planned rent a crowd of 30,000 Yunos should remember he is outnumbered 10 to 1 at the very least and watch his tongue as those t-shirts fly off the shelves, which ought plentifully cover Bersih’s own expenses.

So, how has Yunos covered his expenses? (expect no answers).

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