Paid Headmen Do BN’s Bidding In Sarawak

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Outside Sarawak longhouse
Outside Sarawak longhouse

YB Baru Bian hits back at Speaker of the DUN, Asfia Awang Nasar, who said in a statement that Tuai Rumah were, by definition, beholden to the government and therefore had to do their bidding, even threatening them with the sack if they were caught supporting the opposition! …

Then we speak to Daniel from Bintulu who is incensed at signs at Rumah Senunuk, Ulu Tinjar Baram, barring the opposition from even entering the premises except with the consent of the Tuai Rumah. Apparently, the Tuai Rumah there intends to impose a toll on entry for them! But how can we have a democratic system if this is allowed, asks Daniel?

It all stems from Government threats, he explains – no development with the opposition, no jobs with the opposition. But who pays the taxes that keep the State Government in wages and development projects on the way? Everyone does, from rich to poor, says Daniel; so how can they keep the people’s own money from them?

The Chief Minister must move to prevent such abuses, which are plainly illegal and misuse of power.

The money paid by the state belongs to all the people of the state and should not be used to bolster, favour and promote just the ruling party, which is already entrenched in the power of patronage and cronyism.

Paid community leaders ought specifically NOT support any political party, far from being lectured by none other than the State Speaker (who is himself supposed to be impartial under the rules of Parliament) that they must support BN.

The Chief Minister is well aware of the principles of democracy and if  certain underlings, great or small, fail to grasp them he should teach them and act against such travesties…… or are BN seriously fearful, even now, after having further gerrymandered the electoral boundaries; poured vast sums into their election campaign and used all the wealth and influence of their party to bulldoze victory, that the barefoot opposition parties might still win the hearts of the people from them?


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