Masing admits most rural schools like SMK Katibas

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Land Development Minister Tan Sri James Jemut Masing told The Borneo Post that what happened at SMK Katibas was not unique.

“Most rural schools in the state are facing the same problem. SMK Baleh in my area is facing that problem for the last 15 years. I have brought this matter up many times to the relevant authority, but to date, there has been no response.”

He believed there were other schools that are in similar need of clean water.

“We have no excuse not to provide clean running water for our students. Water authorities at federal and state levels should take this matter seriously. Rural schools must be looked after in the same vein as urban schools. There must be no discrimination.

Over the weekend, social media was flooded with messages of support for the students and teachers struggling to keep SMK Katibas school functioning due to a severe water and electricity shortages.

Now BN Land & Development Minister James Masing has stated that SMK Katibas is far from unique and that MOST rural schools in the state are facing the same problems. Schools in his area of Baleh have been facing issues for 15 years and despite raising concerns to his party, nothing has been done!

Is this really the rural development that BN are so proud of? Just last week William Mawan stated that his government had focused its efforts towards developing the country and its people since day one. Shouldn’t basic rural development such as water and electricity supply come before million ringgit development projects in Kuching?

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