Defamation and Zero Marks for Journalism!

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As a consequence, Justo sought other avenues to place his stolen bounty and the Sarawak Report duly obliged.

This has been confirmed by independent IT experts Protection Group International (PGI) and also by Sarawak Report’s editor, Clare Rewcastle Brown.

In her story published yesterday titled “Open Letter to the Swiss Foreign Ministry in Bern”, Rewcastle Brown sought to defend Justo, and made an unprecedented and unprovoked attack on the Thai legal system.

We cannot speculate on her motivations for doing this, but the Thai police have made it clear that they have seized Justo’s computer equipment for further testing; and PGI has confirmed that documents on The Sarawak Report have been creatively altered.

What a shameful effort from New Strats Times!  They have printed reams of orchestrated material over this arrest, provided by none other than PetroSaudi International (PSI), which is the interested party behind the original charges.

PSI is itself under official investigation for its role in the alleged theft of some two billion US dollars from Malaysian public funds and yet NST has accepted their information unquestioningly.

As part of this clearly pre-planned defamation stunt, a so-called ‘cyber intelligence’ company, hired by PSI themselves has been relentlessly quoted by NST as having “confirmed” that documents used by Sarawak Report were “creatively altered”.

Come on then.  Let’s see some basic journalism skills put into practice by NST.  Because, surely you can’t expect to make such allegations without providing a shred of evidence like this?  Have some professional pride!

Sarawak Report has shown you the way, so back up your claims with some facts and details please.

Show us which are these tampered documents and how exactly were they tampered?  In what way were meanings distorted by Sarawak Report?

What truths have been perverted into what lies?

And where is your balance and objectivity as you lay into the character of a former Director of PetroSaudi, based solely on the say-so of his former colleagues, who are themselves implicated in serious criminal allegations?

Indeed, what measures have you taken to avoid the obvious conclusion that you have embarked on a tactic of deliberate defamation, on behalf of a potentially criminal entity and in collaboration with UMNO politicians, who are seeking to deflect embarrassing revelations of corruption?

Tut tut. We offer you zero marks for journalism. Hang your heads in shame over this dross and live in hope that no one comes after you for libel, over this textbook example of crass defamation!

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