Confirmed! The Return Of China’s Road & Belt “SCORE” Strategy To Sarawak

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Sarawak is actively seeking enhanced cooperation with the Chinese Government to boost the development of clean energy technology in the state, said Premier Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Abang Johari Tun Openg.

Abang Johari believed that it is important for the state to attract Chinese investments, particularly in the realm of public transportation.

“We are embracing Chinese technology, especially in areas rooted in science. Currently, we are developing our public transport system with technologies such as Autonomous Rapid Transit (ART) and hydro projects.

“Our engineering and technical assistance from China have significantly contributed to Sarawak’s reputation for hydropower as well,” he said during the 160th Anniversary Anniversary of Teochew Culture event held here last night.


After much beating about the bush Abang Jo has finally let the cat out of the bag over what is going on behind the scenes as his state government scrambles for “absolute autonomy” to develop alleged “clean energy”/”green energy” across the state.

A determined drive to revive the destructive China backed SCORE policy is underway to construct a string of dams across every major river in Sarawak. The objective being to turn this critical area of biodiversity into a vast power plant driven by industrialised rivers to service China’s expansionist programme across Southeast Asia.

Popular protests, driven by the disastrous impact of existing dams on native communities and wildlife, caused the previous chief minister, Adenan Satem, to shelve SCORE and Abang Johari plays daily lip service to alleged ‘green’ policies.

However, the huge profits to be made from the mega-borrowing and investment flows into mega-dam projects are clearly too tempting for the businessmen politicians who yearn to make their fortunes from Sarawak.

And now, we have it confirmed from the self promoted premier’s own mouth that China is indeed back waving loans and incentives to bring in their construction companies to do the job and take supreme control over the ‘autonomous’ Sarawak economy in the process.

So, let’s call “green energy” by its real name SCORE and let native communities be warned as to what the intentions are.


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