Big Protest Over Small Error!

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Orang Ulu community leaders in the Baram are urging the government to stop Save Sarawak’s Rivers Network (SAVE Rivers) from spreading lies claiming that over 60,000 indigenous people in the area are rallying behind them to stop the building of Baram Dam.

In a joint press conference here yesterday, Temenggong Joseph Ngau Lian from the Kenyah community, Penghulu Paul Kallang (Akah Hilir and San area), Penghulu Ajang Wan (Akah Patah area) and Penghulu Jalong Tanyit (Moh area) wanted the government to take action, especially against chairman of SAVE Rivers, Peter Kallang, who is now either in Switzerland or Norway.

“It (lie) is very damaging to us, especially when he tells Europeans that he is representing all the Orang Ulu people in Baram that we are all against the proposed Baram Dam.

“We, the leaders of the Orang Ulu people in Baram have never appointed Peter Kallang and his friends to speak for us,” Paul Kallang said.

He said Peter, his wife and several other members had gone to Switzerland and Norway to put more pressure on companies involved in the building of mega dams in Sarawak to stay away

Four protestors standing in front of a shiny glass building in Kuching are lodging a ‘police report’ against Save Rivers for daring to oppose Taib’s insane dam-building agenda in Sarawak.

“We the leaders of the Orang Ulu people in Baram” never appointed them to speak for the people they say.  They themselves were, of course, appointed by Taib Mahmud.

And while they stand in the comfortable precincts of the smart building in the capital, hundreds of people who support Save Rivers have been sitting in tents back up in Baram for the 212th day running, in order to prevent the construction beginning.

Who represents the actual people of Baram the most?

These paid up agents of Taib Mahmud have long-since swapped serving their people for their salaries. And now they have also leapt on a small error in Sarawak Report (since amended) to incorrectly accuse Save Rivers of ‘spreading lies’.

We thank Taib’s eager minions for their over-reaction, because if they make such a big fuss over one small error in Sarawak Report, their silence over all the big corruption issues we have exposed over the past few years speaks volumes!


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