Tampering operation organised from Malaysia???

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Several Malaysians could be extradited to Bangkok to facilitate investigations over alleged doctoring of documents by former PetroSaudi executive Xavier Andre Justo.

Home Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said these individuals were believed to have asked Justo to manipulate certain facts into information to Sarawak Report as divulged by the Swiss national during interrogation by Thai authorities.

He said authorities had received preliminary feedback that Malaysians would be called-up to help into the probe although there was no official request through diplomatic or the usual channel to the Royal Malaysian Police to extradite these individuals to Bangkok.

“During interrogation, Justo mentioned the names of several Malaysians who supposedly asked to manipulate facts from the information that was downloaded from PetroSaudi’s communication system.

“If Thailand authorities have enough information, the probability of us extraditing any Malaysian personalities wouldn’t arise while on the other hand, we will know who these individuals are, if the request is made,” Dr Ahmad Zahid said

If Mr Zahid did not receive this startling information about the alleged details of Mr Justo’s interrogation through the usual official or diplomatic channels, he should say how he did receive it.

Are we talking about a policeman in his pay?

Or did someone just make all this nonsense up?

The Home Minister has chosen within a few hours of Mr Justo’s arrest, thanks to allegations made by PetroSaudi, to assure the public that the documents Justo is accused of leaking were also “tampered”.

But this mouthy minister not been able to bring a shred of solid evidence to back the claim.

Equally without evidence Zahid has claimed that unnamed Malaysians have been to-ing and fro-ing to Thailand, urging Justo to perform this massive tampering operation on the millions of emails involved.

Think of the practicalities of such a ruse and ask why 1MDB and PSI did not spot the “tampering” straight away?

So, before you come up with any further ridiculous scenarios please provide an example of a “tampered” email or document, where it can be shown the meaning of the original was altered before being published on Sarawak Report.

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