Speakers' Corner

Occasional contributions from readers, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Sarawak Report but may be published at the discretion of the site

Resigned To It?

Faced with the condemnation in the report of the Auditor General on 1MDB the Board of that scam on the Malaysian taxpayer have generously offered to resign.  No such resignation has been offered by its founder and overseer Najib Razak, still less by its architect Jho Low. The fall guys have fallen so thats all […]

BN’s Secret Manifesto

A news leak from the office of a top BN leader in Kuching reveals a surprising new development. Their election manifesto for this campaign will be classified as an “official secret” and anyone publishing it or leaking parts of it will go to jail for years. This decision is reported to have been influenced by

Resigned To It?

Faced with the condemnation in the report of the Auditor General on 1MDB the Board of that scam on the Malaysian taxpayer have generously offered to resign.  No such resignation has been offered by its founder and overseer Najib Razak, still less by its architect Jho Low. The fall guys have fallen so thats all

Crooks And Crooked Fools

Voters in Sarawak should take a close look at the latest BN scandal coming out of Kuala Lumpur. It shows exactly how the PM and other BN “leaders” are stealing billions form the public purse.  YOUR purse in case you had not noticed. Money meant for development, for schools, hospitals, roads, clean water supplies and

Manifesto Problem

BN Sarawak, faced with an election they would give anything to avoid holding, have a real problem in drafting a manifesto. What to put in it puzzled BN supporters ask? Well it is a problem. How about “We will continue to steal everything we can lay our hands on?”  “BN proudly follows the example of

BN’s Not So Secret Weapons

When election time comes round BN deploys its two main weapons, bribery and intimidation. It is no surprise that both these tactics are criminal offences. The coming election offers yet another opportunity to Sarawakians to show that they understand democracy and want it to prevail in their society. Will that opportunity be taken or will

Deadline Sarawak

In a month the Sarawak State election will be held. On one side, with hundreds of millions of stolen public money behind it, is the criminal organisation BN headed by the arch thief (and  perhaps worse) Najib Razak. On the other the cheated ground-down mass of the people of the State. The latter have lost

Bangun Sarawak!

This month Sarawak will go to the polls to elect a new State government.  For the fist time since Merdeka the people of the State have been given concrete proof that the party they obediently vote for time after time, BN, is led by a mega thief Najib supported by local mega thieves. Almost anywhere

Turning Point

Just as the regime in Kuala Lumpur teeters on the edge of total melt down an election has had to be called in the East Malaysian State of Sarawak. In any normal democracy the 1MDB scandals and related vast scale thefts of public money by its criminal Prime Minister would ensure an electoral wipe out

One In Four?

In a public lie worthy of his equally crooked predecessor, Taib Mahmud, Sarawak CM Taibenan claimed that a quarter of Sarawak’s work force would lose their jobs if exploitation of the State’s forests were to be strictly controlled! As prescribed in State law, he omitted to add. This from the man in charge of the

Corporal Punishment

I f you cant lead it,if you cant persuade it, if you cant give good example to it then you can  always try flogging it. Corporal punishment, like UMNO, is a colonial relic abandoned by its exemplar, the United Kingdom, decades ago. There is a theoretical basis for its use in that if your population

Public Opinion

The most effective force against dictatorship is public disapproval. Once it is established that the people are against the ruling party/person then there remain few options. Basically it is a matter of freedom or force The people can always opt for freedom. It may involve a struggle, but in the end it will prevail because

A Rotten Society

The latest revelations about thefts from FELDA confirm what most Malaysians already know; that the government of the country is in the hands of mega thieves. What is comparatively new in these latest revelations is that the Malay community is not exempt from the exactions of the criminals it elected into power; thinking, stupidly, that

Malay Imperialism

Speaking publicly Sarawak CM Adenan (Taibenan) Satem suggested that Prime Minister Najib should “marry an Iban woman”. Leaving to one side why any self respecting Iban lady would contemplate marriage with the most notorious criminal in Malaysian history the incident shows the Sarawak Malay/Melanau community in its true, if ugly, light. These inheritors of Brunei

More Official Theft

Answering a question in Parliament the illegal Najib administration admitted spending over half a million ringgit to support the infamous “red shirt” rally. Of course to a government that steals billions at will this is a small further theft of public money.  BUT it is still a theft and further proof that Najis and his

The Real Idiot

The posturings of UMNO press conference “organiser” Ramesh Rao and his truly fundamental stupidity should not be allowed to obscure what is really happening within the UNMO publicity “machine” No one sees Rao as other than a publicity seeking idiot who will do or say anything, however ridiculous, so long as he is paid to

A Weak And Evil Man

Najib Razak is not the first politician to match the title shown above. Far from it. The whole history of human kind is stuffed with them. But current examples are more relevant than past ones; such as Adolf Hitler or Joseph Stalin. Not perhaps the first two names that spring to mind. But the similarities

An Illegal Government

On their own public admission BN spent enormously more on the 2013 general election than the law allows. Not only was that a series of criminal acts, but all concerned are automatically debarred from standing again at the next election. As prosecutions require the Attorney General’s fiat there will be none,  An AG that can

Divine Right

Now, almost sixty years after Malaya gained its Independence the ghost of those British officals stalks the corrdors of Putrajaya, masqerading as the absurd, probably deranged, figure of the current Prime Minister. Current, we hope, for very little more time. It seems that everything that he touches he debases, and that includes the government money

Elementary Arithmetic

One and one make two. Every child learns that and none dispute its truth. Equally true is 170 out and 170 in is also indisputable. A cleverer criminal would have made a small alteration so that the figures didn’t exactly match. But one both arrogant and stupid, motivated by personal greed, did not think enough

A common purpose

It is very welcome news that Dr, Mahathir and Anwar Ibrahim have agreed to sink political differences to combine efforts against the thief Najib. That alliance brings the full weight of all three major communities in Malaysia to bear against the would be dictator and mega thief Najib. The next question must be one for

The Long Tradition of Corruption Inc. Malaysia

Najib Razak’s UMNO-led coalition government in Malaysia is the longest-serving regularly elected government in the world, having run the country since independence in the late 1950s. However, its legitimacy has long been in question, with electoral manipulation by UMNO certainly stacking the odds in their favour in recent times. Although Malaysia’s then Minister for Youth and

Melayu Berani Lagi?

Historically the Malays have a reputation for bravery and for battling for their beliefs and their possessions. They did not let themselves be oppressed or cheated out of what was rightfully theirs. Does that remain true today? Are Malays still prepared to fight for what is rightfully theirs or are they content supinely to allow

No Forgiveness

As a Muslim Najib will know what the Holy Quran has to say about thieving, about killing and about lying. Not to mention the sin of pride. So if he had hoped that his latest visit to Saudi Arabia and the publicity photos of him praying will clean up his reputation there he will be

Pariah State

You know what that means. Countries like Zimbabwe. Like Somalia. Like many others where there is no rule of law; just the rule of the gun and the torture chamber, Countries where no one wants to be but just cannot escape from. Your own country, Malaysia, is on the edge, the very edge, of sharing

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