Speakers' Corner

Occasional contributions from readers, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Sarawak Report but may be published at the discretion of the site

Largest ever Money Laundering Crime – Rating Agencies complicit reloaded.

by Pascal Najadi, Geneva, Switzerland   The current criminal investigations directed by none less than seven nations into the USD 7 Billion Malaysian State Fund 1MDB must warn all international investors to be cautious with their dealings with Malaysia and any of its banks and entities connected to 1MDB. As such, in common sense logic, […]

Dead But Not Buried

Official! 1MBD has ceased to exist and will be melded into the Ministry of Finance by the end of May. Similar news is expected at any moment about its ultimate creator UMNO. Both have fallen into the hands of crooks and thieves and nether will be regretted apart from those to whom they are indebted.

Business or Corruption?

When the Prime Minister of a Commonwealth country is detected red handed in the theft of billions of public money in his home country what should be and what is the reaction of the UK government? Only days after British Prime Minster Cameron hosted a major anti -corruption summit in London the very same venue

Pen For Hire

Usually Malaysian press statements are issued under the name of one of Najib’s crony ministers, although they are normally written by an expatriate hireling called Paul Stadlen, as has been the case with a statement issued in the name of Rahman Dahlan following the Sarawak election. As usual he has missed the point. The election

Votes For Sale

Sarawak State elections have always been falsified by vote buying on a massive scale, accompanied by threats of what would happen if voters abandoned BN.  Added to that there has always been the totally dishonest claim by BN that it is “Perintah” (the government) and those areas voting against it would be deprived of all

Hands Up!

Arch crook Najib is to be seen every day n Sarawak with both aarms stretched above his head. Its just as well he is getting in practice for the day when armed police arrive telling him “hands up” before taking him away to jail. The current hand raising is part of his purchase of the

Holed By The Truth

In a truly pathetic attempt to lie his way out of the hole he is in Najib will try any tactic, however absurd and demonstrably untrue, to deny his criminal actions with 1MDB and other government funds. Knowing that British courts function on the basis of proper inquiry and the establishment of  the truth he

Clown Of The Year?

In a statement that will have Sarawak electors rocking with amazement for weeks BN Dudong candidate Tiong publicly blamed the Sarawak Opposition for failing to hold the Malaysian Government to account!  In fact there is some truth in what he said as opposition MLAs have taken the pay rise, put on the joke uniforms and

Don’t Vote For Criminals!

Suddenly you are seeing faces that you have not seen in a long while; perhaps since the last State election. They are, they will remind you, your representatives in the State Assembly. Remember me they will ask. The one who very generously gave you ten ringgit, a drink ad a meal last time in return

Wild West

So NOW we know where all Sarawak’s tropical forest went. Straight to Taib’s Arizona desert! So the poet was wrong!  East most definitely did meet West and it was Taib and cronies that made it possible. Of course we have known for some time that Sarawak criminals, led by Taib, had been hiding black money

Political Nursery

The spat between alleged electoral allies PKR and DAP over joint candidatures in five Sarawak constituencies is like two spoilt children fighting over a toy both want.  Of course their parents will take it away so neither will have it. For parents in this case read BN who must be laughing all the way to

Democracy Sarawak Style

Commenting on the up coming State election BN Sarawak Secretary Stephen Rundi made two interesting statements which go a long way towards explaining what BN mean by “democracy” Firstly he admitted that some what he called “mainland” BN personalities might not be welcome in the State during this election and would be told to keep

Election Mechanisms

In a democratic country nothing is more important than the proper conduct of elections “without fear or favour”  That is why such countries have strict laws governing election procedures; based on one person one vote and total secrecy concerning who a voter voted for. Although Malaysia has such laws and procedures, they have long been

Election Sarawak 2016

There is only one fundamental issue for the electors to decide and it is Trust. All the parties contesting will ask for your trust and only you, the voters, can decide to which you will give it. In making that decision you should look at the record.   BN politicians can and will lie and

Guns For Sale!

Only in Malaysia would you find the police chief selling guns! Every policeman knows that gun crime is on the rise. Hundreds of Sarawakians have been threatened by BN paid gangsters using firearms. Where did these come from? If you put that question to Khalid he would probably say that they are smuggled in from

Ali Baba’s Cave

Sarawakians will not be surprised to hear that this election’s bribe headquarters is in the house of CM Adenan at Santubong. No doubt large numbers of police who ought to be out catching wrongdoers are stationed at the chief wrongdoer’s house to guard these illicit funds. Voters would be justified in asking how such huge

History Has Lessons

When James Brooke arrived in Sarawak he found a situation that almost exactly parallels that existing today. Sovereignty over Sarawak south west of Brunei belonged nominally to the Brunei Sultanate. Its only interest in it was to get what could be got without spending anything. This was achieved by allowing a small  Malay/Melanau community to

B is For…

Take your pick. Brigand, bastard, Bustari. Same difference! Of course in the face of the devastating expose in Sarawak Report this fat crook will do and say nothing. He, and all Sarawak BN leaders, know the full extent of BN thievery in the State and congratulate themselves daily on how they are benefiting from it.

When Thieves Fall Out

BN Sarawak bosses are still wrestling with the Najib problem, while the arch thief lies his way round Turkey and fat Rosmah is busy checking out the jeweller and handbag shops to see if they come up to her vulgar standards. The problem is, of course, whether or not to parade master crook Najib round

Question To The Minister

Every Wednesday when the UK Parliament is sitting the Prime Minister is obliged to come there to answer questions. Very democratic. It is doubtful if a similar arrangement exists in Saudi Arabia but nevertheless perhaps its Foreign Minister wont mind answering a few questions; if only to safeguard the reputation of his country. Assuming that

Another Saudi Statement

This time one the Saudis did not make, at least in public, and it relates not to Najib’s thefts but to the Sarawak election. It appears that Taib and Adenan were privy in advance to the statement that the Saudi Minister made in Istanbul about money “gifted” to Najib.  Apart from the fact that neither

Khalid’s Special Team

So the IGP has at last woken up from his long sleep and noticed the 1MDB series of major crimes. Better still he says he has started to do what he is greatly overpaid to do; namely pursue crime and criminals. The taxpayer should perhaps be grateful that the money he spends on this lazy

Latest Hiccup

No sooner had the BN manifesto problem been solved (by simple order from Taib and Adenan to all concerned to shut up) than another major problem arises. 1MDB is finally exposed as a monster scam perpetrated by no other than BN Maharajah Najib Razak. Who also happens, at least at the moment, to be supreme

Witch Hunt

Our sources inside BN and its tame press tell us that the saga of the not now secret mainfesto, and especially the reasons for secrecy, have caused a mixture of fury and fear among its top leaders. First of all, of course, they realise there are now moles in their party as well as beggars

It’s Not What Is Secret

It is reliably reported that BN do not in fact intend to keep their election manifesto secret after all, stated a source close to the party’s management. ‘We will publish our manifesto in due course” the source reported party bosses as saying. In response to futher enquiries the party management explained that they had been

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