Speakers' Corner

Occasional contributions from readers, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Sarawak Report but may be published at the discretion of the site

Najib In India?

Why?  India is not a Muslim country. Its worst enemy is neighbouring Muslim Pakistan. So again. Why? What India does have is a huge, thriving gold market. Indian ladies love gold to to wear and to have. Much the same as fat Rosmah loves diamonds. Coincidentally both gold and diamonds have an use other than […]

Loyar Burok 2

A ten paragraph attack on the US Department of Justice, reputedly attributed to Malaysian Attorney General Apandi has surfaced in Malaysia.  Normally anything emanating from this semi- literate shyster would be consigned unread to the waste paper basket or the shredder. But the sheer stupidity of this document calls for comment. His para.1. The DOJ

Loyar Burok

This Malaysian term describes a person who, knowing little or nothing of the law, pronounces on it. It can be extended to cover persons who, though legally qualified, so far forget their professional ethics as to protect  persons whom the law, which they nominally profess, should act against. On that basis the questionably legal Attorney

Not Quite So Deaf And Dumb After All

IGP Khaled, addressing a press conference called by him in Kuala Lumpur  to speak about the 1MDB mega scandal, began the process of distancing himself from the regime by claiming  that the PDRM had been diligently investigating the allegations raised by the PAC. Saying that this would take time he stressed that his force was

Intolerable Coups

Speaking from Russia, where his fellow Malaysians did not know he was, arch thief Najib roundly condemned coups!  His own excepted, naturally!  And he had nothng to say about his recently announced intention to bring into force in August extremely repressive legislation which would effectively make him Dictator of Malaysia. That particular coup is presumaby

A Sinking Ship

When the ship is sinking what becomes first priority?  Lifeboats, rafts and life jackets of course. Up until now the sinking ship UMNO has not been seen to have any such life saving equipment.  But happily for all but the inveterate crooks manning the SS UMNO, safety and redemption have arrived in the shape of

A Timely Reminder

Addressed to the senior officers of the PDRM who are near enough to developments in Kuala Lumpur to know that your IGP and his master, Najib Razak, are engaged in a series of criminal acts and that, as with all police officers, you have a duty to detect and prevent crime.  You ought not to

Silly Salleh

Minister Salleh Said Keruak has publicly described the leak of the Auditor General’s report into the 1MDB crimes as “undermining national security” and “treason” In fact the term treason has no legal connotation in Malaysia though Salleh appears not to know that.  But if it did it would refer to giving aid or comfort to the

Uneasy Rests The Head That Wears A Crown

Or, in this case, that wears an assortment of rank badges and medals to make any US general envious. With authority comes responsibility and that fact cannot be obscured by any number of private business ventures or handouts of vast sums of illegally obtained money. These truisms must be weighing heavily on the mind of

An Intelligent Man?

Malaysia has security and intelligence services, separate from the national Police. But this does not prevent them from  cooperating with the PDRM in matters affecting national security and major crime. So it comes as no surprise that there have been recent, very private, discussions between the parties to weigh options and assess the viability of

A Policeman’s Lot is Not A Happy One

Some things never change and one of those is that a policeman’s life is full of problems. Lots  of people just dont like policemen, and that includes judges who send crooked ones to long terms in prison. Others have other reasons for ill feeling towards the Force. But all police officers have the consolation of

Cop At The Crossroads

Malaysians will remember that when Gani Patail was Attorney General an investigation into the actions of arch thief Najib was launched and those investigating them included the IGP Khalid. The enquiry reached the stage where an application for a warrant for the arrest of Najib was drafted in the AG’s chambers with the consent of

A Fig For The Constitution

The Constitution is the fundamental law of Malaysia, governing its institutions, its actions and its very existence. To ignore or breach any of its provisions, as arch criminal Najib has done, is to say that it is without force, may be ignored or breached at will, or tampered with as a dictatorial regime wishes. In

Communications Minsiter?

Judging by his latest statement this Minster should be re-titled Cover Up Minister. He wittered on about ‘further leakages of official secrets documents””‘putting the country at risk” He meant putting arch thief Najib at risk and, by extension, himself, since by trying to cover up Najib’s massive thefts of public money he made himself an

A Role For Royalty

When the constitution was founded it was Malaysia would be a kingdom and its headship would do the rounds of  the Rulers.  Merdeka was not to become the signal for the extinction of inherited aristocratic position and privilege. As in Britain the King would have no real power save for one thing. He would have

The Really Unforgivable

Arch thief Najib Razak long ago passed the point where Malaysians from all communities could forgive his criminal behaviour and his attempts to destroy Malaysian democracy. But now he is threatening to pass from a money criminal to a communal criminal. That , for Malaysia, is a critical step.  Bankruptcy is one thing.  A disgraceful

Justice Malaysian Style

In Malaysia the Prime Minister is a mega crook.  His supporters in UMNO, fed by his bribes and other handouts, look the other way when PROOF of his crimes is made public. His lapdog the Attorney General even showed in public, and of which a record exists, proof of massive thefts by Najib while bleating

Moral Hazard

This, in the banking world, is a term of art with carefully limited definitions. Thus the Bank Negara of Malaysia will be influenced if not guided by what the BIS (the Central Bank of Central Banks), treats as moral hazard. That would be the case whoever might be the Chairman of Bank Negara. At present

Fouling The Nest

After the neutering of the Courts by appointing yes men to the top layers and so making it possible for any honest judgment to be overturned. And after, unconstitutionally, removing the Attorney General and replacing him with a blind, corrupt lickspittle, the arch criminal Najib has now turned his attention to the MACC Up until

Moment For Decision?

Those writing of the new, post colonial, Constitution for Malaya inserted a safeguard against over mighty and dishonest Prime Ministers misusing their power. They gave the Head of State the unrestricted power to dismiss the Parliament and so call new elections. Thus the Agong enjoys a power that the British Monarchs lost centuries ago. In Malaysia

Rush Job?

When 1MDB, then newly established, first went to the capital market to raise money, allegedly to finance the Tun Razak Exchange, it only had an outline project in mind and was far from ready to start work. At least that is what the then directors thought. However when Goldman Sachs were given the job of

None So Blind

As those who WILL not see. And that certainly includes the current British government and its  big business supporters. Having held a public conference to decry corruption it, within days,  allowed a visit by the man who is possibly the most corrupt major criminal in the world today; Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak This man

Value For Money

The British taxpayer provides a very expensive diplomatic presence in Malaysia.  In view of the complete lack of reaction by London to the mega thefts by Malaysian Prime Minister Najib, and the massive money laundering associated with these, it is legitimate and important to ask what London is doing about all this? Apart, of course,

Moderate Muslim Champion

When he was desperately seeking some cover explanation for his theft of $680 million from 1MDB, arch thief Najib invented a Saudi donor, who he alleged had given this huge sum to him in recognition of his stand against Muslim extremism! This had its comic side since the only Muslim extremists in Malaysia are his

Not For Public Consumption

Azalina, Najib’s lie person. in her silliest public statement since becoming a “Minister” in Najib’s dictatorship, excused, and thereby admitted, that part of the PAC’s report had been “expunged” because it was not a matter of public record. Understandable in an infantile sort of way since the blanked out portion proved that Najib is a

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