Speakers' Corner

Occasional contributions from readers, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Sarawak Report but may be published at the discretion of the site

Joke Police

Malaysians who pay taxes in part to fund the cost of the PDRM and its farcical boss Khalid will be interested to learn that a keen watch is being kept at the country’s borders to arrest two, unnamed, N.Koreans suspected of involvement in the Kim murder at KL’s airport. They will be less impressed to […]

Malaysia’s North Korean Links

These, it seems, are not limited to allowing this secretive dictatorship to organise murders on Malaysian soil. They also extend to a clandestine arms smuggling business. Malaysia’s IGP ought to be well informed about this seeing the close links between himself and the sale of arms in Malaysia, controlled by one of his relatives, with

Military Farce

Minister Hishamuddin, one of the contestants for the Prime Ministership when Najib runs for it, made a series of announcements about possible military co-operation between Malaysia and Saudi Arabia. The latter, it seems, intends to, buy submarines; something they are said not currently to possess. On hearing this Hishamuddin at once offered to “train” Saudi

Malaysia’s North Korean Links

These, it seems, are not limited to allowing this secretive dictatorship to organise murders on Malaysian soil. They also extend to a clandestine arms smuggling business. Malaysia’s IGP ought to be well informed about this seeing the close links between himself and the sale of arms in Malaysia, controlled by one of his relatives, with

Men At Work

Press reports indicate that the MACC have been active in Johor arresting some officials and seizing luxury vehicles. Good for them. It is heartening to see this very expensive arm of Government earning some of its keep. How much better it would be if they acted against the corrupt regime led by arch criminal Najib

Sin Chiew Daily

Or the PDRM’s house magazine? In lengthy extracts from something apparently published in this vernacular newspaper its writer oozes praise for the PDRM. Efficient. Honest. A thing Malaysians should be proud of. Etc. etc. This article may well have been drafted at Bukit Aman and its contents are so far from the truth that they

Thug State

  Anyone reading about what happened to the late S.Balamurugan must be forced to the conclusion that Malaysia is a lawless State and its police force a body of thugs capable of getting evidence only by beating suspects to death. The facts are clear enough. The deceased was arrested on 6th February, produced in Court

Buying Stolen Property

A Sarawak Assemblyman has called for Sarawak to buy a minority stake in a new venture by State owned oil company Petronas. While half a loaf is sometimes better than no bread this is a mistaken suggestion. The fact of the matter is that Sarawak’s natural resources rights were handed over to Putrajaya in return

Turning Justice On Its Head

  Once again Malaysian Courts have succumbed to pressure to overturn acquittals. A lady who screened a film at a private venue for which she was prosecuted, or better persecuted, and who was acquitted of an offence against the film censorship legislation by the appropriate Court now finds that verdict overturned by a Malaysian High

Malaysia Fights Money Laundering?

Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia Zahid recently delivered a speech in which he referred to terrorism and money laundering claiming that Malaysia is in the forefront of the international efforts to suppress both. Who does he think he is kidding? Presumably that small percentage of his domestic audience that have not yet read the Malaysian

Sheer Cheek

Riza Aziz, step-son to mega thief Najib Razak, and a partner in the latters’s mega thefts is now trying to use the legal system of the United States to delay the arrival of handcuffs on his wrists. To that end he has employed an American lawyer who has, very professionally, rolled out every possible legal

State Visit?

Mega criminal Najib Razak is busy touting a possible official visit to Malasyia by the King of Saudi Arabia. It would be normal for the Saudi Monarch to visit countries where Islam is the state religion and where Islamist groups are pressing for the introduction of Sharia law. Normal, that is, where the proposed visit

Constitutional Review

It is in the nature of Constitutions that there are severe obstacles to any changes to them. In democratic societies that makes sense and those that have a written Constitution usually provide that at least a two thirds majority is required to support any proposed amendment. It was with this principle in mind that the

Healthy Banking System?

When banks, or associations representing them, start talking in public about how healthy their system is, sensible investors tend to run for the hills, buy gold, or take other measures to protect their assets in the face of such warnings. For a warning it is. The biggest threat to any banking system is loss of

Najib Sues

Prime Minister Najib is presently threatening defamation actions against various Malaysian critics, including MP Tony Pua, for allegedly accusing him of theft of public money. Readers of the Malaysian Press printing such reports could be forgiven for thinking that they were dreaming. Defamation is an attack on reputation and to sue someone for that you


Arch thief Najib recently named these factors as vital to success in the next general election. As he was less than explicit in detailing how they would be applied let us try to help him. Determination. To do what? Bribe voters? Gerrymander constituencies? Stuff ballot boxes. Bribe opposition winners to defect to losing UMNO? Find

To Spite The Face

When one has millions, if not billions, stashed in Singapore banks it is unwise, to say the least, to try to reverse a judgment giving Singapore sovereignty over the island of Pedra Branca. Yet Malaysia is doing just that. Having lost its claim back in 2008 it is now attempting to reverse that decision. How

A ‘Repentant’ Thief

Making one of his meaningless pronouncements arch thief and Prime Minister Najib announced that rights under the 1963 Malaysia Agreement “unintentionally” taken from Sarawak by Putrajaya could be discussed between them. “Unintentionally”! How does one take something unintentionally? Not a shoe from a cupboard, or a baju from an almeirah or a spoonful of rice.

Pillars of The Justice System

It is customary, if sometimes unwise, for retiring public servants to make a platitudinous speech just before their departure. Chief Judge Ariffin seems to have followed this traditional course in addressing members of the Judiciary. He reminded them that the justice system is “the pillar on which society rests” If only that were true! He

Worm Turns

After years of denying that anything was wrong at 1MDB there are now indications from Najib’s propaganda platform (Malaysia Outlook) that the PM is getting ready to change his tune. Suddenly, there is an admission that there were thefts but the bloggers are saying he knew nothing about them and was gulled – it names

Big Seller, Little Seller

A while ago it might have seemed odd to see a Malay politician selling out to communist China. Not any more. After Najib set the trend by getting Beijing to bail him out of his massive thefts from 1MDB Communist China is no longer seen as a menace by Malaysian politicians but rather as a

Wrist Tickle

The Swiss authorities have ordered Coutts (Switzerland) to repay a few millions which that bank gained by handling the transfer to Switzerland of three quarters of a billion dollars stolen by Jho Low and Prime Minister Najib Razak from the Malaysian State wealth fund 1MDB. No one, least of all the Swiss authorities, thinks that

Pipe Dreams

PKR Sarawak bottles it; again. This time they announce that they will not contest the Tg. Datu bye election, caused by the death of the former Chief Minister. The reason? “We are concentrating on the general election”. Not only has no date for that been announced but it could be deferred to 2018. The PKR

Crack In The Edifice?

For some time past political leaders in Sarawak, the late CM Adenan included, have been hinting that the Federal Government must honour the Malaysia agreement and treat Sarawak as a partner rather than, as at present, a backward region which, happily for KL, produces lots and lots of lovely money for the Federal coffers. And

The Scumbag Club

Developments in the 1MDB mega thefts involving billions of dollars stolen from the Malaysian taxpayers by mega thieves Najib Razak and Jho Low have now extended to New Zealand. A court in that country has allowed the Low family to eject trustees who declined to liquidate Low family trusts in favour of tax haven based

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