Speakers' Corner

Occasional contributions from readers, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Sarawak Report but may be published at the discretion of the site

Hiding Place?

The extraordinary action of the criminal Najib regime in summarily deporting three Turkish nationals may be more to do with the post power plans of Najib and the hippo rather than any desire to remove three harmless people from Malaysia and to send them back to face , at the least discrimination and harassment and, […]

An RM80 million bribe.

This hand out to Islamic schools was announced by mega thief Najib Razak as though he was personally funding it! Of course he could easily afford to do so having stolen billions of public money during his period in office but no. It is the taxpayer who is providing this hefty sum to Islamic schools.

In bed with Beijing.

Arch thief Najib’s cousin and “Special Minister” has just completed a visit to Beijing, overtly in his other capacity as defence minister. Some very interesting items came out in his press release on that visit. First Hishamuddin claimed to have ordered the Chiefs of the Malaysian Army and Air Force to discuss closer co-operation with

Security in Sabah.

Filipino pirates must be shaking in their shoes at the news that Special Functions Minister Hishamuddin’s principal present task, according to him; is to counter threats to security in Sabah. Having regard to what Kuala Lumpur has achieved so far in that matter all extra help is welcome but exactly what Hishamuddin can do remains

Loud mouthed Youth.

The outgoing chief of MACC was constrained to say in public that he had been “advised” not to comment on a statement by UMNO youth activist Khairul on an alleged plot to arrest arch thief Najib. Not that Khairul referred to Najib in those terms. Far from it. Who cuts off his income by letting

What special functions?

In a belated attempt to cover up normal Putrajaya stupidity arch thief Najib has announced that Deputy PM Zahid had been urging him for months to appoint cousin Hishamuddin as Minister with special functions. Since Najib did not give any public explanation about what these “special functions” might be, and since complaisant Zahid has been

A bit of work to do

It was in those terms that arch criminal Najib Razak described UMNO preparations for the coming general election. “A bit of work”? The understatement of the year. A Prime Minister internationally known as a mega criminal, a Party held together, where it is held at all, by bribery using public money and attempting to buy

Not bothered?

On a day when he made a fool of himself attacking cartoons and cartoonists, “current” Deputy Prime Minster Zahid announced that he was not bothered by being “out of favour” Well he certainly ought to be! Can he be unaware of what being “out of favour” can entail? Perhaps he needs to be reminded of

Intellectual egoism!

  Foot in mouth as usual, Deputy PM Zahid attacks cartoons as “intellectual egoism”. Assuming, for argument’s sake, that he understands the meaning of those two words, which he may quite probably not, how can he conclude that his description has any sense or meaning? Drawing is just one more way of pointing out to

A sinking ship?

Time passes, events occur and positions change. This summary of events in the life of man has seen yet another in a long line of alterations. Quite some time ago now the overnight appointed replacement for Attorney General Ghani Patail, a time expired judge named Apandi took office, and all his instructions, from his benefactor

A criminal appeals to the Law!

So mega thief Najib Razak threatens to sue MP Tony Pua. For defamation! How ludicrous! To sue for defamation of character it is essential to have a good character and if Najib ever had any pretensions to possess that he lost it when he went on the take. And not just any bribe opportunity. All

The successor to Hitler Youth

Is alive and well and living in Malaysia. Its current name is PAS Youth and it is up in arms over the depiction, in a local Chinese newspaper, of its leader Hadi and the joke Speaker as monkeys. No one actively believes that these two have been transmuted into simian form even if their behaviour

Our hard working Police Force

All Malaysians will be heartened by the news that the PDRM are to pursue foreign traffic offenders. This will, no doubt, raise considerable revenue,, if not for the State then for the pockets of the enforcers; in addition to offering proof that not all PDRM members spend their time looking the other way in the

The “Missing”

The latest addition to the missing activists, Peter Chong, points up the danger posed to democracy in Malaysia by the clandestine activities of arch thief Najib’s secret police. That is not a reference to the Special Branch of the PDRM which, if sometimes engaged in activities that breach both the law and the moral responsibility

“Bloody fool”

This, to use the Squeaker’s own words, is what one is if one does not use the power entrusted to you. Use or misuse. They are undistinguishable to him. Hardly believable but Malaysia has a Speaker who is worse than a “bloody fool”. He is unfit for any position of responsibility, Perhaps the best comparison

Seismic SOSMA

In the latest public demonstration of his and UMNO’s incompetence Deputy PM Zahid revealed that 200 persons have been detained without trial every year for the last five years under the undemocratic law SOSMA. He gave the impression that this was an achievement instead of a public and disgraceful demonstration of fascism in allegedly democratic

Fair exchange is no robbery

That much cannot be said of the Tun Razak Exchange saga. It now emerges, in public statements by Datuk Azmah, boss of TRX City, the company developing this site that up to 60% of the area has been sold off or otherwise committed and the intention is to keep the remaining 40% in cold storage

Malaysia’s Gestapo

The PDRM have earned themselves this new title by unlawfully banning the Mahathir debate. Things have got so out of hand that the Malaysian gestapo now seem to think that if chief crook Najib orders something it must be done, legal or otherwise. This supra legal behaviour is not new. Murder was, and still is,

Free Speech?

It has been announced that the public debate scheduled to be held between Tun Mahathir and Datuk Nazri has been cancelled. Not by the projected speakers but by that corrupt body going under the name of the PDRM. What this means is, of course, all too clear. The arch criminal Najib is fearful that what

Crime Prevention?

Continuing his series of foolish public statements Najib henchman Zahid has said that Malaysia will not break off relations with N. Korea but maintain them. So a dictatorship that has imprisoned Malaysians as hostages and organised the brutal murder of it’s dictator’s half-brother in the middle of Kuala Lumpur is a suitable entity with which

We Know Who They Are

Malaysia’s comic opera IGP stated this publicly some days ago when referring to N.Koreans implicated in the murder of Kim Jong Un. If that was not true then (highly possible) he certainly does now having been party to allowing them to leave Malaysian territory. As, on his own previous statements, he knew them to be

Special Plan

Speaking in India arch thief Najib Razak said that a special plan to ensure the advancement of Malaysia’s Indian community would soon be announced. Along, no doubt, with the date of the general election. Malaysians of Indian origin will not be fooled by empty words of this kind. Long oppressed as a minority Malaysian Indians

Petty bribery?

With so many honorific titles being handed out both at Federal and State level it seems inevitable that some of the holders will appear in the criminal courts. This has just happened to an unidentified “Tan Sri” photographed being dragged to Court with his clothes over his head. Presumably he must be a BN purchaser

Time expired Judges.

Asked to explain why time expired Judges were being retained or re-hired the responsible Minister could do no better than to claim that the country could not afford to lose their expertise! By that measure no civil servant should ever be allowed to retire lest their experience be lost! No doubt this same excuse will

Smoke and Mirrors

Arch thief Najib’s latest gimmick, designed to draw attention away from his and UMNO’s mega thefts from 1 MDB and other public money, is to pretend that his air force “clandestinely” rescued Malaysians from N.Korea! What a joke! Did he really think that Malaysians would believe that a poorly disguised RMAF flight could land in

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