Speakers' Corner

Occasional contributions from readers, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Sarawak Report but may be published at the discretion of the site

To go or not to go?

That is the question time expiring Chief Judge Raus must ask himself, if, as reported, he is seeking an extension to his period in office. Others will have other questions. Why stay? Not for the salary surely? The pension of a Chief Judge is more than adequate for comfortable living. For the prestige? A more […]

Does not make sense!

Joke Attorney General Apandi said this about a sensible suggestion by the Malaysian Bar that the Malaysian Government should ask the US DoJ to furnish information about the 1MDB and other scandals to Malaysia so that the matters could be investigated locally. While one might accuse the Bar Council of being somewhat naïve in thinking

Begging for forgiveness!

World class hypocrite and mega thief Najib Razak issued a Hari Raya message in which he called on Muslims to practice forgiveness! Does he seriously hope that his co-religionists will forgive and forget his multi-billion crimes against them and the non-Muslim citizens of Malaysia? Or has he perhaps had an intimation of mortality and started

Special Court

Arch criminal Najib is being rightly criticized for mixing himself in the opening of the “special court” for sexual offences. Of course he has a personal interest in such matters having, among other things, paid lawyer Shafee RM9 million to prosecute Opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim on trumped up charges of sexual offences. Does he perhaps

Special Court

Arch criminal Najib is being rightly criticized for mixing himself in the opening of the “special court” for sexual offences. Of course he has a personal interest in such matters having, among other things, paid lawyer Shafee RM9 million to prosecute Opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim on trumped up charges of sexual offences. Does he perhaps


Many Malaysians will be surprised to learn that the ISIL terrorist organization regards a number of Eastern countries, including Malaysia, as part of its wilayah (territory). Of course anyone, terrorist fanatics included, can fantasize about their situation and assets but Malaysians should be worried by this particular claim. Worried because ISIL are violent terrorists ready

Fake Emergency.

Former Prime Minister Dt. Mahathir has expressed worries that when, rather than if, BN lose in GE14 they will, led by then former PM Najib, declare an emergency and use this to nullify the election result with “frogs”. This overlooks the fact that when the election results are declared and the Opposition have secured a

Loose mouthpiece?

Rahman Dahlan, who some time ago named arch crook Najib as being identical with the DOJ’s Malaysian Official 1, has now taken a step further by indicating that the pink diamond lady is Najib’s wife, Rosmah Mansor. Not really an earth shattering revelation. Even a school child could work that out. Does that say something

Recuse himself?

MACC boss Dzulkifli is currently facing calls that he recuse himself from any 1MDB investigations by his agency as he was working in clown Apandi’s offices when the latter “cleared” Najib. The worry, presumably, is that he may have been infected by the same insanity or corrupt practice (call it what you will) that has

Apandi Ali. Just a clown or worse, much worse?

Once again this caricature of a Judge and lawyer has claimed that no offence has been committed by Najib in respect of the near USD 700 million that he stole from 1MDB. Despite all the evidence, published for all to see, he persists in his childish fairytale about Saudi godfathers keen on “moderate Islam. If

Whose Fault?

Stung perhaps into some sort of reaction by criticism of its silence over the massive Felda scandals Najib has issued a statement. In essence it blames everybody but himself and his corrupt government and calls for sweeping change! In a sense that is right. But the sweeping change must not stop at cleaning Felda but

Three Blind Monkeys.

Are well known, See nothing, hear nothing, do nothing. In Malaysia they actually have names. First UMNO Vice President and hopeful replacement for arch crook Najib, Hishamuddin. His latest outburst started with a claim that “anyone can be Malaysian Official 1” named in the US DOJ suit. Is he unaware that long ago his ministerial

A shy, retiring copper?

No one should be surprised that, in the light of recent public revelations about police criminal activity, the Twitter King, IGP Khalid announced that he would retire in September, as scheduled. Arch criminal Najib has frequently announced that Khalid’s term in office would be extended. No surprise there. Khalid kept him out of prison over


At the opening of a long and terminally boring interview given to a paper called ”The Malaysian Insight” Culture Minster Nazri makes the first in an interminable series of stupid statements when he claims that the US DOJ suit is “an American political ploy”. Most people in the States have not even heard of the

How very true!

All Malaysians should heed the words of PAS deputy leader Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man when he attacks enforcement agencies in Malaysia for not acting to investigate the crimes listed in the US DoJ’s latest report. He says, rightly, that Malaysian agencies are best placed to make these enquiries and take necessary action. He does NOT

Robbing Hood.

The original, from Nottingham (whose University is so close to arch thief Najib), reputedly robbed the rich to help the poor. Trust Najib to misunderstand and to rob the poor to help himself! It is time, and past time, for the Malay community in Malaysia to realise that the party that claims to protect their

“Diamonds are forever”, But not always

The latest Court proceedings begun by the US Attorney General against arch thief Najib Razak, fellow arch thief Jho Low and all their accomplices, Malaysian and American, make fascinating reading. Among many other things they prove that Najib, Low and many others stole vast amounts of public money from 1MDB and, in all probability from

History Lesson for One.

It is not clear what history lessons were taught at the school(?s) attended by the present IGP. In any case he has probably forgotten what he was taught. So here is a little knowledge supplement for him. Lesson One. Don’t be a dictator’s stooge. Too late for that so. Lesson Two. Remember what happens to

Foot in mouth; again

All the BN Ministers who have unwisely opened their mouths to the media have one thing in common. They have their feet in them. Zahid, one of the most verbose supporters of Najib, whose shoes he constantly eyes greedily, is the latest foot eater. He came out to defend the indefensible IGP Khalid whose link

The Jala Report

This has been completed? With commendable speed and submitted to arch criminal Najib Razak. The latter’s reaction? It will be published “later” Clearly if this report found all well at Felda Najib would be rushing to publish it. He is not and has as good as said that he wants it re-written. The most probable

PC Plod

Is a description applied to the archetypal stupid bumbling policeman of cartoon and literary fame. Of course he is a western invention which does not apply in Malaysia. There you have plenty of PCs with their hands out for a “present”. And also some who are not very bright. And some who are both. But


A Malaysian Minister, amusingly enough the Information Minister Salleh Keruak, is reported as urging Malaysians to treat Sarawak Report as untrue! He may not have noticed that on the day he uttered this inanity the US Department of Justice had opened proceedings against arch thief Najib’s accomplice, Jho Low, to recover property purchased with money

Expand our revenue base

This is the reason given by Minister Rahman Dahlan for the imposition of the tourism tax. Unfortunately he did not go on to explain why this expansion was necessary. How could he when the reason is that his boss, arch criminal Najib, has stolen so much government money that there is no longer enough to

Cats in a bag

Will fight. They do not know where they are but do know that they are in trouble. It seems the same applies to Malaysian government Ministers, both at State and Federal level. In a normal, properly run, administration any such disputes are dealt with privately. But in Najib’s bolehland these disputes are aired publicly for

Major Overhaul?

Najib running dog Khalid has announced that what he called “a major shake-up” would happen at Bukit Aman after Ramadan. For one brief, joyous, moment Malaysians thought that he was announcing his long overdue departure from Police HQ, prior to taking up new residence: at Sg. Buloh. Unfortunately although that will certainly happen quite soon,

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