Speakers' Corner

Occasional contributions from readers, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Sarawak Report but may be published at the discretion of the site

Contempt of Court

In the most recent phase of Anwar Ibrahim’s attempts to right the gross injustice done to him by Malaysia’s “Court of Appeal” and rubber stamped by its equally grotesque Federal Court in overturning his acquittal and sending him to five years in prison he has asked the High Court to annul the whole proceedings on […]

Corrupt or just terminally useless?

The Election Commission of course. Just when gangster Najib is straining every nerve to fix voting rolls before he calls his doomed GE14 it appears that the Election Commission has “destroyed” more than 130,000 voter records in Selangor. A PKR State of course. Just “destroyed”. No explanation let alone any apology to the voters affected

Fearing nobody

Malaysia’s pin brain and loud-mouthed Attorney General has made yet another of the public statements for which he is notorious; whether by statement or at press conferences, like the one at which he exhibited proof that Najib is a mega criminal while denying that the latter had committed any offence. This time he announced that

Against natural Justice

Judges of Malaysia’s higher Courts can be assumed to know the rules of natural justice. Why therefore do they continue to abuse them by taking part in appeals by corrupt government lawyers like Attorney General Apandi against acquittals? No civilized country appeals acquittals. Not guilty means not guilty. It does NOT mean that the State

A word of warning and caution

To the address of the Governor of the Bank Negara. You will, of course, be aware that, under an award of the London Tribunal of Arbitration, the bankrupt piggy bank of he who appointed you to your present post, 1MDB, has to pay IPIC 600 million US dollars on the 31st. of this month. As

Election commission or UMNO commission?

No one in Malaysia believes any longer that there is honest government or that public servants, among whom Judges of the superior Courts, do what they should rather than what mega thief Najib orders and bribes them to do. What’s new one might reasonably ask? Look at the Anwar conviction. Why is he in jail

The Biter Bit

Rather late in the day arch thief Najib and his legal advisers appear to have woken up to the danger posed by Anwar Ibrahim’s suit to overturn his “conviction” by the Court of Appeal following his High Court trial acquittal. As recently as the 21st. of last month Najib did not even bother to be

Principles and Politics

In his latest public demonstration of stupidity arch thief Prime Minister Najib called on former PM Dr. Mahathir to recant a statement which the latter is alleged to have made some 20 years ago. Whether the Doctor did or did not say what Najib alleges he said where is the politician in any country in

Dropping off the branch

There has been an obvious, and significant, fall in the number of Najib’s “ministers” still prepared to spout his line in public. Some of this new reluctance must be due to the local publicity about the jailing in Singapore of Jho Low’s accomplices in the 1MDB robberies. But whatever the individual reasons for this new

More perverted justice

The Malaysian judicial apparat, already publicly shamed by its illegal and unconstitutional attempts to keep Najib placemen In the Federal and Appeal Courts, is now pursuing PKR personality Rafizi Ramli for allegedly breaching arch crook Najib’s Official Secrets legislation. How Najib can be stupid enough to think that such a prosecution can do anything to

Far Away

These were the words chosen by Sarawak Chief Minister Johari to describe the next general election. Admittedly far is a term with many interpretations but in this context he is talking nonsense. It could be next month and has to be held not later than next year. Unless he knows something that h is not

Profits. What profits?

In a display of public lying well up to his own set standards Najib claimed, at a ceremony connected to pilgrimage, that “profits” from 1MDB amounting to RM57 million had been spent on funding pilgrimage costs. Given that 1MDB is bankrupt and owes billions who believes that it made even one ringgit of profit that

Unconstitutional; as Usual

Prime Minster Najib is once again perverting the Constitution, this time in the matter of judicial appointments. Section 122 (A) allows the Agong, acting on the advice of the Chief Justice, to appoint an “additional judge” of the Federal Court. No obscurity here. Least of all that one cannot advise the appointment of oneself. This

Empty Threat

Najib, and his accomplices in the Cabinet and in UMNO, seem to think that if they threaten a Commission of Enquiry into alleged wrong doing at the Bank Negara many years ago, Dr. Mahathir will withdraw from his position as leader of the coalition of opposition parties which will, most certainly, throw UMNO out of

An incompetent thief and a laughable liar

Yes. Najib Razak, of course. Having been found out in his thefts of billions (and a lot more still to come out, Felda, Tabung Haji etc.) he now, in desperation turns to lying about the former Prime Minister, Dr. Mahathir. He claims, ludicrously, that the former PM is so frightened by a prospective RCI that

Failed in Advance

Defence Minister Hishamuddin further damaged his chances of a “sweetheart” succession to the Prime Ministership, for which he is being UMNO tipped, by his public statement on the Intelligence General’s pay off from Najib. A pay off that has, significantly, attracted no comment or explanation either from the criminal giver or from the military recipient.

Police Farce

The latest police scandal, involving officers of the highest ranks, would, in any civilized society, provoke outrage and immediate enquiry and action. Not in Malaysia. There it will pale into insignificance beside the scandals involving a mega criminal Prime Minister, aided and protected by the Attorney General and the IGP. Who can be surprised by

Limp lapdog

Arch thief Najib’s press secretary, Sarifuddin has issued a statement which, in effect, threatens that DAP may not be allowed to take part in the next general election because of a “technicality” involving its registration. Compulsory registration of political groupings is a relic of British colonialism where it was used as an alternative to outright

Economic Pundit

The leading UK financial journal, the Economist, is one of the very few UK entities or individuals to notice anything about the current, and past, Malaysian political scene. That is in marked contrast to the UK Government which, through the FCO, has managed to keep its official eyes glued tight shut despite two United States

Foundation for Votes.

The Malaysian press just carried a detailed report on a body apparently named the 1MDB Foundation Special Haji Programme which contains some very interesting statistics. Especially when they allegedly refer to the bankrupt 1MDB, the funds of which were stolen by mega thief Najib Razak and his criminal associates including con man Jho Low. The

Seditious and confusing”

This is reported to be the verbal reaction of IGP Khalid to a remark by Zaid Ibrahim to the effect that if one is a crooked Prime Minister all one has to do is to appoint a crooked Attorney General and the Court will not interfere. A perfectly accurate remark on the current state of

Thief’s Progress

Immediately after entertaining, at public expense, very large numbers of free meal seekers in Kuala Lumpur, arch thief Najib left for Bali in Indonesia. That fact is public. What is not public is how all this is being paid for. Some questions. What aircraft was used? The “Prime Ministerial” jet? What has that cost the

A Tun of evasions

A spokesman in the Prime Minister’s office has issued a lengthy statement which tries to show that there is no evidence that the fat one’s pink diamonds were bought with 1MDB money. He also claims that the DOJ has not demanded their return. Did she tell him that? How much sophistry is needed to qualify

Politically motivated?

This is loyar burok Apandi’s latest explanation for the US DOJ’s public expose of the 1MDB mega scandals. In which, of course, Apandi himself is implicated by his failure to investigate the matter; choosing instead to rule that no offences were disclosed. So the exposure of mega thieves is politically motivated? In most countries, though

Change of Mind?

Assuming (and it is a big assumption) that IGP Khalid was telling the truth when he announced that mega fool Apandi had told him to re-open enquiries into 1 MDB it has to be asked why when the AG had previously announced that there was nothing wrong at 1MDB and no offences disclosed. Indeed one

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