Speakers' Corner

Occasional contributions from readers, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Sarawak Report but may be published at the discretion of the site

New Broom?

The announcement that the Director of the Special Branch has been appointed as the new IGP has significance beyond its mere text. Not the most senior officer after former IGP Khalid his promotion must give rise to some speculation. The Special lBranch is one of the principal organs at the disposal of the government for […]

Learning To Cook

That is how IGP Khalid Abu Baker described his future after retirement on 4 September. Those who know what Khalid has been doing in recent years may be tempted to remark that he has nothing to learn about cooking. He cooked up arch criminal Najib’s narrow escape from arrest for theft by betraying his fellow

Pennies From Heaven?

So Najib has found a further 300 plus million dollars to pay off the first half of the money 1MDB owes Abu Dhabi’s IPIC. He has still to find 600 plus million dollars to pay the rest of the debt. Where will that come from? No one in their right mind would lend 1MDB even

Legal inefficiency, or worse

The attempt by leading Malaysians to bring an action in tort to force arch criminal Najib to account, which failed in the High Court, was also rejected yesterday in the Court of Appeal. Regrettably both courts found correctly that the suit failed because arch thief Najib is not a “public officer” as defined in the

Crooks Of A Feather

A picture of a grinning mega crook, Najib, with another crook, IGP Khalid, records a “farewell call” by the latter on the former. What a touching scene! Organised, no doubt, in an absurd attempt to display harmony between them after Najib refused to extend Khalid’s tenure as IGP. We have yet to see what the

Long live the UMNO censorship regime

An UMNO Minister, no less stupid than the rest ,has just announced that his “government” is “mulling” plans to force online media to register as the print Press is forced to do. Once “registered” they face de-registration if they fail to follow a pro UMNO line. Hitler’s propaganda chief Goebbels would be proud of this new

US Visit – Why?

The invitation to visit the United States and meet personally with President Trump extended to mega crook Najib Razak is, on the face of it, inexplicable. Not only has Najib stolen billions of dollars but he has also laundered them through the US financial system in a series of major breaches of US criminal law.

Confidence Trick

It is a truism that the easiest victim for a confidence trickster is the listener who thinks himself too clever to be fooled, or too important to be made to look foolish publicly. Of the large number of the latter now about in the public eye worldwide a prominent one is the US President Donald

First Faller

So Khalid bites the Najib dust! His promised extension of tenure falls through. How? Some reports attribute this to a refusal by the Agong to sign off on it; as required by the Constitution and such a refusal would certainly block any proposed extension of service. If that is what has in fact happened then

An Illegal Regime

By now most Malaysians have realised that the Prime Minister is a mega crook. That the Federal Court, the highest in the country, is headed by an illegally installed Chief justice. That a similar situation exists in the next lower Court, the Court of Appeal, that the former Attorney General was forced out of office

Between the devil and the deep blue sea

Is where illegal Federal Court judge Raus finds himself. A feeble excuse was offered to explain why no oath taking ceremony happened to validate his appointment as an “additional “ judge of the Federal Court. How could it when the Chef Justice who is supposed to administer the oath is in office illegally and in

One Crook to another

A senior Malaysian politician has openly challenged criminal IGP Khalid to use the Interpol system to secure the return to Malaysia of mega criminal, and close associate of mega criminal Najib Razak, Jho Low. Naturally no one expects Khalid to comply. To do so would bring his own arrest and imprisonment that much closer and

Action or virtual Abdication

PH leaders, including Dr. Mahathir, have taken the unusual and final step in their attempts to prevent mega crook Najib from breaching the Constitution over Federal Court appointments. They are both right and within their rights as Malaysian citizens in doing so. Now the ball is in the Agong’s court. It is pointless to have

Chief Justice

A very important appointment in the constitutional structure of Malaysia and one that must not only appear to be lawful but actually be lawful. It is a matter of some surprise that there should be any question about appointments to this post. The Constitution is totally clear about it. Once past the age limit of

Its only money!

In what may well qualify as the most fatuous remark of the year by an UMNO politician one Inche Tajuddin is reported as dismissing the 1MDB affair with the quoted remark above. Possibly Tajuddin, like many of his UMNO colleagues, has had so much stolen public money from arch thief Najib that he can afford

Politics of fear!

In his latest public statement Prime Minister Najib claimed that his party would not “engage in the politics of fear” Really? Why then did he pass legislation through which, unconstitutionally, he can lock up anyone he wishes without benefit of trial and, if he pleases, have them killed without enquiry. Altantuya ring any bells Najis?

Perception and reality

Mega criminal Najib’s deputy Zahid recently claimed that the PDRM was “the best in SE Asia” according to some unknown rating system. If that meant best at graft, best at abetment of major crime, best relations with crime lords and best at breaking every law in the book that “system” might have had a point.

Permata Boondoggle

Answering, or rather evading, a parliamentary question about a visit to London by Permata chief Rosmah Mansor (coincidentally wife of arch thief Najib Razak) the doubtful Puan Azalina ,a minister in Najib’s office, stated that the trip to London by Rosmah and others was funded by Najib’s office. Of course it was not to be

Silent Bullfrog

Aka the Speaker of the Malaysian parliament, by name Pandikar. Born in neglected Sabah where nothing much happens apart from incompetently controlled Suluk piracy and the usual total destruction of the primary jungle to the financial benefit of a handful of UMNO cronies, he seems to have studied something in London. At any rate he

Who does Najib think he is kidding?

Arch thief Najib Razak launched what he calls the Invest Malaysia Programme 2017 with an address to potential investors. Realizing, perhaps, that he has a worldwide reputation as a mega thief, and worse, he was facing an uphill task in trying to convince anyone to invest such much as 1 cent in his thieves’ kitchen

Prevention of Crime?

Or just the prevention of discovery of crime? The 2014 Act prevents unlimited renewals of tenure of Board members, limiting such to one of three years. A stipulation at the time intended to try to show some degree of impartiality in the enforcement of a law that would disgrace Hitler and Stalin, let alone “moderate

Mega Thief – Mega Briber

In a public announcement to a gathering of FELDA participants arch thief and mega briber Najib announced a series of totally unconcealed bribes to all Felda members. The criminal list follows. First, RM.475 million to be shared out between 94,956 Felda settlers simply as a “reward” for ”supporting” the UMNO government. Each would get RM

Be prepared!

Was, and is, the motto of Britain’s Boy Scouts. Now it seems that Malaysia’s boy scout Defence Minister Hishamuddin has adotped it. Speaking about the coming general election he said that we (UMNO) will face many questions which we must be prepared to answer. Very true. They will. The much more difficult part will be

Ventriloquist’s doll

The name is Mohamed Puad, who is described as a member of UMNO’s Supreme Council. Whether this is accurate or not he certainly publicly demonstrated that he is stupid enough to qualify for that office in his recent Press statement. Put briefly he said that he could take the place of Najib in a public

KWAP Questions

For a pension fund this size it would seem both reasonable and prudent to ensure that account details are both up to date and publicly available. After all many Malaysians believe, with varying degrees of justification, that they will one day qualify for a pension from this fund. Why then are the latest published financial

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