Speakers' Corner

Occasional contributions from readers, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Sarawak Report but may be published at the discretion of the site

Truth Will Out

Yesterday it emerged in a statement by the boss of Malaysian Airways about the new aircraft for his airline. It will be recalled that, during his Oval office visit ,arch thief Najib spoke at length about new US made aircraft for Malaysian Airlines. That promise seemed to content President Trump and serve as a justification […]

Ankara’s Pay Off?

  A prominent critic of Turkey’s dictatorial government has been arrested at Kuala Lumpur airport. So far no reason has been given for this strange action. That is not surprising. Nor is it surprising that no indication of what offence this unfortunate Turkish visitor to “liberal” Malaysia is alleged to have committed. That, of course,

Only 6 Per Cent

Nab derides voters by jeering at them for complaining about the GST. It’s only 6% he says. Only? Why is this burden on the poor there at all?. If more revenue was needed why did this genius Finance Minister not look at the rich to fill the gap rather than taxing the very poor? If

Not Important?

The words used by the Malay minority Chief Minister of Sarawak to refer to the visit of ex Prime Minister Mahathir and other PH leaders to Sarawak to attend a PH event. Just who does this pompous “johnny come lately” Sarawak Malay politician think he is? Tunku Abdul Rahman in disguise? Why should he think

Corruption And Disunity!

  Nab Minister Said Keruak can hardly open his mouth without putting both his feet in it. He has just done it again by warning against corruption and disunity which, he claimed, had led to the collapse of what he called Islamic Empires of the past. Malaysia is not exactly an empire though it used to

Where Indeed?

Not so long ago apparent arch liar and mega thief Najib addressed Felda settlers and made a series of extravagant promises of payments to them. Of assisted pilgrimage and other enticing handouts. He was, of course, buying votes. But what you buy you have to pay for and Najib has not paid! So now the

Words of Truth and Sanity

A leading politician from the Malaysian Chinese community has sensibly spoken out about corruption in Malaysia. Speaking directly to the MACC he urges it and its management not to continue to ignore the 1MDB scandal. He ponts out, correctly, that the full details of this disgraceful affair have been published world wide but NOT in

No Further Investigation!

  If anyone in Malaysia, and they cannot have been numerous; wondered if the new IGP would clean up the PDRM and the mass of undealt with crime they now have their answer. The new IGP Inche Fuzi (forgive the omission of honorifics which are normally reserved for those really deserving) announced that investigations into

A First For Malaysia

Arch thief Najib constantly proclaims the leading position of Malaysia in South East Asia. That claim was bolstered when the country became the first international example of a rat joining a sinking ship. Former Mentri Besar Mat Taib announced he was rejoining UMNO. He must have been surprised by the reaction which was to the effect


Arch thief Najib’s Finance chief announces that, due to its excellent work, the Malaysian Customs department will be “corporatised” soon.  Unfortunately he did not go on to elaborate for the benefit of the taxpayers precisely what this might mean. The Customs are a government department, part of the Malaysian civil service and bound by all the regulations

Gone Mad As Well As Bad?

Is it another case of like father like son? It is a long time past since a member of the Razak family was responsible for an attack on a Malaysian community but not so long that it has been forgotten. Certainly Malaysians of Chinese ethnicity have not forgotten, So threats, however veiled, by top Malay politician,

Hollow Boasts

In a self-glorifying statement issued by Najib to anyone that would print or read it he made a series of claims that merit comment. First he claimed that the “ties he had formed with China” had “brought huge investment that benefited the country” For country read Najib. The vast debt incurred, allegedly to fund an

Praise Him!

What does it cost to have US President Trump praise one? Promise to buy, this year, next year, sometime, never, a ridiculous number of US made jets for which there is no passenger traffic nor any money to buy them. Then go on to attack a former PM for, allegedly, paying lobbyists to get a


The overt explanation for the reception of mega thief Najib Razak by President Trump emerged at the formal White House reception. One or other of America’s lobby plague told him that Najib would place vast orders for US planes and other goods. To businessman Trump that was enough to override any doubts he may have

Violating Oaths

The businessman who is trying to get arch criminal Najib and his accomplice Zahid dismissed from office because they “violated their Constitutional oaths” is acting in a praiseworthy manner but his initiative is doomed to failure. Why? Simply because whether he succeeds in the High Court, as he should and may, such a judgment will

Thriving Assets!

Lying through his teeth as he is so well accustomed to doing,arch thief Najib told US business personalities that there had been “some issues” with 1MDB but that when he learned about them he “rationalised” them. How true! Having personally stolen over a billion dollars from that fund, and laundered tham through the US, he now pretends


Deputy Prime Minister Zahid has long enjoyed a reputation for being fatuous but he has surpassed all his former stupidities by claiming that the PDRM have submitted to Najib’s stooge AG Apandi “the result of their enquiries into a conspiracy  to “topple” arch criminal Najib”. First question? How does he know this? Has he taken

Who is Afraid of a Free Press?

  Was President Trump surprised when his offer of a press conference after his (disgraceful) meeting with arch criminal Najib was refused by the latter? He ought not to have been since he ought to have known that Najib would be questioned about his criminal activities in the US and the reasons behind the invitation

Deluded or Deliberate?

In choosing, knowingly, to receive a mega criminal in the Oval Office and not just any mega criminal but one accused by his own Department of Justice of crimes committed within US jurisdiction does the US President show himself to be a fool, or the equivalent of an accomplice? Does the US penal legislation not

Malaysia’s Vibrant Democracy

The were the words, believe it or not, chosen by mega thief Najib Razak to describe the country on the eve of taking his begging bowl to Washington. Not for money. He has no need of that having stolen billions of Malaysia’s public funds. What he seeks there is absolution for his crimes committed on

Royal Myopia

  In a message to the people of Malaysia the Yang di Pertuan Agong heaped praise, even indirectly, but in a way that no one could miss, on arch criminal Najib and his gang. Saying that Malaysia was fortunate to be peaceful and happy unlike its neighbours he implied that not only is all well

Single Spies

As Shakespeare tellingly wrote troubles come not as single spies but in battalions. The art of politics consists in identifying the most serious ones and dealing effectively with them. Presently the President of the US has a number of problems to solve; among them the after effects of more than one hurricane striking the south

Foggy Bottom, Foggy Mindset

It would not be fair to blame the micro climate of Washington DC for the failure of the US Department of State to get things right, even occasionally. That is an institutional failure rather than a climatic one. For the umpteenth time the State Department has got it wrong again. That is not the fault

Talk Is Not Performance

Newly appointed IGP Mohamad Fuzi told Malaysians that he would look into deaths in police custody and police corruption. Do we take it that there are no outstanding enquiries on either of these two important issues? Can the new IGP enlighten Malaysians on that point? If there are why has nothing been done? If there

Shutting Mouths

One of the areas of expertise of Najib Razak is that of shutting mouths. So no surprise to learn that former IGP Khalid has been made the boss, of all things, of a bus company. It is probably decades since Khalid travelled by bus since he has always had taxpayer funded cars to travel about

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