Speakers' Corner

Occasional contributions from readers, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Sarawak Report but may be published at the discretion of the site

Agong’s Duty

Legal arguments are going on around an application to the Courts to annul the appointments of Chief Justice Raus and the Appeal Court President. One argument not presented, so far as can be seen from reports of the Court proceedings, is that the Agong ought not to have approved these particular extensions since the Constitution […]

No Offence Disclosed

  This mantra of the Attorney General’s office is regularly used when inconvenient criminal behaviour by UMNO leaders comes to notice and the Police send an investigation paper to the office of the AG for instructions about prosecuting. Once the magic words have been written in the IP and signed off by the AG there


Deputy PM Zahid announced that Malaysia has asked Interpol to locate and arrange the arrest of Jho Low! Can this be true?. Does arch thief Najib really want his accomplice and criminal tutor to be returned to Malaysia? Why? To stand beside him in the dock on a whole raft of criminal charges? Anyone interested

Human Rights!

Malaysia’s Foreign Minister whinged publicly about the country’s failure to be elected to the UN Human Rights body. He threw the blame for the failure on Myanmar and N. Korea for “failing in their promises to support Malaysia in the issue.” Myanmar and N. Korea! Two outstanding examples of countries protecting human rights! Ask the Rohingya or the

A Puzzled Rat?

  Some rats have left sinking ships so many times that they have perfected the difficult task of climbing back on board by the mooring rope. This seems to be the case with a serial Malaysian blogger who has been anti Najib, pro Najib and now equivocal about Najib. It all depends, one supposes, on

Human Rights What Human Rights?

To the surprise of no one the UN has shamed Malaysia by refusing to put the country on the Human Rights oversight body. At least these voting for that result have recognised that no one in Malaysia has any rights unless bought from mega crook Najib and his corrupt UMNO. Such a slap in the public

He Is Alive

Anyone who thought that the failure to do anything about mega criminal Najib Razak and the whole 1MDB affair meant that Attorney General Apandi had dropped dead and not been replaced can be reassured by the new announcement by Apandi himself that he has formed a task force! Why? Not to investigate 1MDB, as it is his

Islamic State?

We,meaning discredited UMNO and, perhaps its friends in PAS, are “committed to making Malaysia an Islamic State” Quote from remarks by one Inche Asyraf, a Minister in the BN government. He may not be a household name, and arch crook Najib might have preferred him to be more discreet, but he is still a BN

Police Puppet

New IGP Fuzi is turning out to be every bit as UMNO complaisant as his predecessor Khalid. No surprise there. He would not have got the job unless arch criminal Najib gave the green light.But still he is a police officer sworn to uphold the law and protect the people. His excuse for refusing a

Not Political?

This is what MACC chief Inche Dzulkifli says about the MACC investigation in Sabah. Which, it just happens, is aimed at former UMNO supporters who are now supporters of Pakatan Harapan. Nothing political. No, of course not. Since MACC enquiries are non political why do they not extend to 1MDB and the billions stolen by arch

A Welcome Return To Legality

The decision of the Federal Court to throw out the charge against Maria Chin represents  a welcome, and long awaited, return to the proper application of the law by the top Court. Perhaps now those representing arch thief Najib in Malaysia’s courts will realise that the deck is no longer stacked in their favour. And this despite

Odder And Odder

As the trial of those accused of murdering the North Korean dictator’s step brother continues the facts coming out seem odder and odder. First of all how did the accused know that the deceased wold be passing through the KL airport on the day he was murdered? And how did they come to have deadly poison


Gangster Najib Razak and his moll met with a deserved rebuff in the High Court when their bid to throw out the suit by the widow of PI Bala was rejected. It is all too clear why this dreadful duo wanted to bury this case. The unfortunate  Inche Bala had the bad luck to become involved


During the ongoing trial of two women accused of murdering the half brother of the N. Korean dictator. a witness stated that he had returned the clothing items belonging to the victim to N. Korea. Asked why he did that he replied that it was at the request of the Investigating Officer. He did not


A pejorative term extensively applied to former colonial powers to describe their activities and policies in respect of nations formerly under colonial tutelage and also others. Originally a term of opprobrium or abuse it has morphed into a way of describing political and commercial activities designed to secure a particular result in the country at which they

Drugs As Well As Thefts From GLCs

Indonesia’s drug enforcement agency publicly complains that incompetence, or worse, permits drug smuggling from Malaysia into Indonesia and that numerous complaints to Putrajaya have gone unanswered. Who will be surprised at that when links between high PDRM officials and organised crime figures were the recent subject of publicity (now swept under the carpet). One of

Cranks To Crooks

The news that a group of PAS members have abandoned their party and joined UMNO, while numerically, so far, unimportant, is politically very significant. These PAS defectors say openly that only UMNO can safeguard the Malay community. While this is clearly rubbish, and common rubbish at that, it is an indicator of thinking in one

What Price A Royal Visit?

Now we know why arch thief Najib stopped off in London on his way back from lying to US President Trump that Malaysia would make massive purchases from the US; thereby warming the cockles of that businessman’s heart. It was to beg for a Royal Visit. Not the domestic Royals of Malaysia but the star studded

Hypocrite as Well as Thief

Najib has just announced that the new welfare organisation of the MACC will be given RM 5 million by him as a grant. The first thing to make clear is that this money will come from the taxpayer NOT from arch thief Najib’s personal pocket. There is a truly delicious irony about this affair. Here

Can’t Afford It!

Now it appears, on his own admission, that Sarawak DCM, and perpetual number two, Masing was responsible for sending Sarawak chiefs to KL in military aircraft. He explained that “I can’t afford to send them by commercial flights” Among other things this makes it clear that the trip was a political freebie for which no public funds were

Cattle Class

Arch thief Najib’s use of military aircraft to transport native personalities from Sarawak to Kuala Lumpur is offensive on several levels. In the first place he is openly treating them as second class citizens in not providing them with ordinary civilian air travel facilities. Secondly he is illegally using funding provided by the taxpayers to

Red Light For Najib?

Blood is thicker than water runs the proverb and that COULD be the explanation for the promotion of Hishamuddin to be “special functions” Minister. But only the most naive UMNO supporters will believe that. Najib does nothing for anyone other than Najib and, under compulsion, for the hippo. So why this move? The obvious answer

Doing My Best

Court of Appeal President Zulkifli, who was “sworn in” yesterday for a two year tenure of this post promised to do his best. No doubt he will so far as he is able though past decisions of that Court have been of doubtful legality and, dare one say, morality. The real point however is what

Sensible Sultan

  The Ruler of Johor, in a public statement, made it clear that Malaysia is NOT a Taliban state, as some misguided Islamic politicians wish to see, but a country in which ALL are equal. He is, of course, completely correct and is to be congratulated on making this clear. While very many Malaysians share

Vote Rigging

There is an alternative meaning to this phrase. It means, in effect, vote blocking and it is being practised by the Election Commission. Perhaps the Charman of the Commission is unaware of the reason for the existence of his Commission? It is if course to ensure that those entitled to vote can do so, that

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