Speakers' Corner

Occasional contributions from readers, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Sarawak Report but may be published at the discretion of the site

Hypocrite and Coward

Malaysians who are honest and wish their country well will have been revolted by images in the Press showing arch criminal Najib and his criminal wife Rosmah at the KL hospital bedside of his victim Anwar Ibrahim. This, as most Malaysian voters will realise, was a visit not from sympathy but from fear. As the […]

Red hot news!

Deputy PM Zahid announces that GE 14 will be held within 180 days, that is a few weeks before it has to be held under the Constitution- Thanks a bundle Tuan. We would not have known otherwise! But, just a minute. Does he mean what he says? There is more than one possibility. Will it be

Colour blind?

Deputy PM Zahid, foot firmly in mouth this week, announced that UMNO is not colour blind and offered as proof that it was helping flood victims in Penang! What he meant, though did not say, is that the Government of Malaysia was doing what it was elected to do, help citizens in distress.The only surprising

Counter attack

MACC chef Dzulkifli has launched a counter offensive in the campaign to get him out of office. There are, he is reported as saying, many high level cases awaiting prosecution. That would be music to the ears of the millions of Malaysians who have been sickened by the blatant corruption, abuse of power and other

Missing Accounts

Malaysian pilgrim fund Tabuing Haji is making a lot of noise presently about an investment it made in Australia, claiming that all connected with that is above board and above suspicion. We shall see. But while we are waiting how about the TH 2016 Accounts? The last annual accounts published relate to the year 2015.

Malaysia for sale

After arch thief Najib’s  crooked East Coast railway deal with Beijing now comes further CPG penetration into Malaysia’s basic economy. China, which has no oil and gas of its own, is dependent on imported supplies of both. It has,therefore, a major interest in obtaining control of anywhere which has such reserves. Hence this latest “deal” which

Digitalising the police!

In one if his public utterances Deputy PM Zahid spoke at length about how IT could improve the performance of the PDRM!. It would improve the force’s ability to maintain public order, he claimed; without revealing how. It would also allow them to pinpoint what he called hotspots. Well there’s a thing. In future the

A Fatal Flaw

The Federal Court, siting to review an appeal by the Sarawak State government against a ruling by the Appeal and lower courts that an expropriation of Native Customary land was illegal, overturned the Appeal Court and ruled in favour of the Sarawak government. What sort of State government acts against the vital interests of a majority

Flogging a dead horse

A pointless pastime and arch criminal Najib was wasting his time when he ordered the MCA to win 15 seats in the general election. Adding to that absurdity he went on to say that the MCA score last time (seven seats) did not justify the three Federal ministers it now has. The bunch of elderly and

Putrajaya Witch Hunt

It has been interesting to watch the accelerating pace of the Putrajaya organised attack on MACC chief Dzulkifli who has increasingly been seen by the criminal Najb regime as a serious threat to them. Hence the allegations about marital misconduct, now denied by the alleged victim and her divorced husband. The absurdity of such an

Political corruption unit

New IGP Fuzi, ought to be, but is not, laying the groundwork for a dedicated unit to investigate all aspects of UMNO corruption after GE 14. This because the string of charges  to be brought against arch thief Najib will not be the end of the matter. Not by a long way. Throughout this Parliament UMNO

Development Bank

Nothing new in that concept. Such banks exist almost everywhere and are, normally, public institutions.  So the announcement by Sarawak Chief Minister that the State is to create one is nothing new. A lot was said about this new Bank by Inche Johari. What it might do. Who would run it. Who the Board of

We played golf!

Better than playing footsie, one supposes, even with Altantuya. Mega crook Najib was careful not to make any references in the Assembly to his promises to President Trump to bring huge amounts of Malaysian business to the US; the only thing that interests Trump so far as Malaysia is concerned. But status DOES matter and the

City Rep pays flying visit to Malaysia

That, of course, was not the headline in Malaysia’s papers recording the arrival of Prince Charles, nor, to be fair to him, was it his intention to so act or even be perceived. The responsibility for that lies elsewhere. In fact in London where business and commercial interests profiting from Malaysia used their political influence


In a constitutional monarchy, which Malaysia currently is, Royal houses, all of which may in turn provide an holder of the office of Yang di Pertuan Agong, need to be extremely careful about public utterances. In particular such that may attract political interest since the Rulers are supposed to be above politics and controversial issues.

Foot in mouth

The Treasury Secretary hastily denies that he bad mouthed poor Malaysians claiming he only wanted to say they should work harder! Does he have any idea at all of the life led by the poor in Malaysia? Has he ever got up before dawn, eaten a miserable meal and gone out to work all day

Just petty?

The withdrawal of the bodyguard service to ex PM Mahathir can be viewed as just the petty harassment which arch criminal Najib has been venting on his predecessor, and now political opponent. As just the kind of thing that only small minded crooks would indulge in against their perceived enemies. Or it could have a different significance.

Diamond Lil

Malaysian political and other lickspittles have tried to raise a clamour about Rosmah Mansour attracting the attention of the UK Press and media during her current visit to London. Why?! The whole world knows about her obsession with fabulously expensive diamond jewellery thanks to the statements by the US. DOJ which confirmed earlier reports about

Raus Out

In an encouraging sign that the rule of law is not entirely dead in Malaysia an opposition political party has filed suit asking for a declaration that Chief Justice Raus is holding office illegally and should be removed from that office. Legally speaking the argument is unanswerable. Inche Raus has passed the age for retirement

First Rat Or Just Wayang Kulit?

Some,perhaps many, people in Malaysia will be wondering why Attorney General Apandi had, late this month, ordered the PDRM to make further investigations into the 1MDB swindles. If that were a genuine move, motivated either by repentance or fear, the inevitable result would have been a repeat of the Gani Patail affair. Instant dismissal and

Appeal What Appeal?

The Court of Appeal has just overturned an High Court judgment in favour of the Selangor Government over actions of the Electoral Commission. Basically the dispute was about attempts by the EC to alter boundaries in Selangor which would favour BN. No surprise there. The EC is a creature of the BN government, despite its

Educational Penny Drops

As a general election nears the bribes begin to proliferate. Not, of course, from the stolen billions but from the taxpayers via the Budget. High on the list RM 1 billion each for Sarawak and Sabah “to repair/re-build dilapidated schools. And, surprise surprise, all that nice money will be spent by local politicians, not peninsular

Foreign Maids

Speking in the Budget debate Deputy PM  Zahid could find nothing more important to refer to than the cost of hiring “foreign maids” How many Malaysian households employ foreign domestic help? And of those how many treat their employees properly? And even more to the point to whom does this “concession” have relevance.? Certainly not

Little Hitlers

Deputy, and secretly aspirant, PM Zahid told anyone who would listen to him that BN candidates for the general election will be chosen by arch criminal Najib personally! So much for any pretence of democracy. According to Zahid all BN branches are too ignorant to be allowed to chose whoever they think, basing on local knowledge, might

Bull*** Baffles Brains?

If arch criminal Najib hoped that his “explanation” about 1MDB would baffle anyone, brainy or not, he will have to accept disappointment. Set his explanation against the DOJ report, the impending criminal proceedings in the USA, the Report of Malaysia’s Accountant General and all the other proofs that Najib is a mega thief and decide who to

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