Speakers' Corner

Occasional contributions from readers, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Sarawak Report but may be published at the discretion of the site


In an exercise that must have cost a great deal of Police time and money the PDRM practiced the hurried evacuation of the “Prime Minister” after the election. Presumably after the UMNO defeat had been announced. Obviously any Police Force has to be ready to deal with election problems and should rehearse in advance. But […]

Why Sri Lanka?

In his latest freebie trip at Malaysian taxpayer’s expense mega crook Najib scheduled a brief visit to Sri Lanka. Why? It is not as though the Indian Ocean island is a major trading partner or even a strategic ally. So why? One possible reason is that Najib’s reputation domestically has deteriorated so far that dutifully

Failed again

Putting candour ahead of propaganda for once Deputy PM Zahid admitted publicly that Malaysia had failed in its war on drugs. So UMNO is not infallible after all. Of course not, but it is refreshing to hear a top UMNO boss admit it in public. But why stop there? Even in the limited field of

Wait and See

The quoted response of top Treasury civil servant Irwan Serigar when queried about how Malaysia would pay the second mega instalment of its debt to IPIC which is due at the end of the month. So the public have no right to know how Malaysia will pay its debts? Or the Treasury simply don’t know

Deliberate Criminal Negligence

The latest of so many Sarawak scandals is the leaking Bengoh Dam. Never mind that criminal politicians and their businessmen paymasters have stolen the natural wealth of Sarawak; its unique tropical forest. Now it becomes clearer that the whole high dam program, vaunted as modernising the State, is nothing more than another means of cheating


Deputy Minister Nur Jazlan publicly attacked former Prime Minister Mahathir for returning Selangor state decorations to the Ruler. It was not, he claimed, the way Malays should behave. Quite what his authority was for this statement on adat he did not say. His personal opinion perhaps? Is there written record of any such adat or

Joke or otherwise.

Press reports referring to the “visit” of mega thief Najib to Bahrain state that he will be awarded a Bahraini decoration of some sort. The reports do not say what he is supposed to have done to earn it. How could they? For outstanding international thefts? For encouraging the misuse of cement barrels? Or just

Learn Respect?

The words of UMNO “leader “ Jamal addressed to former Prime Minister Dr. Mahathir! A schoolboy addressing a grandfather! One look at publicly available photographs is enough to know a swollen head when seen. Recent schoolboy Jamal obviously has a lot to earn about good manners and respect for his elders and betters. One can

Hishamuddin Again

Inveterate publicity hound, Defence Minister and relative of arch thief Najib Razak, Hishamuddin has made another public announcement. After telling Malaysians that the Armed Forces were “ready to roll on Jerusalem” he now informs a breathless public that RM 48 million plus was spent on the medical needs of service personnel this year. While it

Muzzling the Press.

This is, and always has been, the hallmark of corrupt dictatorships. Nothing damages images so badly as public disclosure of criminal activity. So all dictatorships treat Press control as a priority. Malaysia is no different. Recently Deputy Minister (curious job title) Jailani accused a news portal of “insulting” the Prime Minister. Instead of commending it

Integrity and good governance?

Minister Low’s joke of the week? OR arch thief Najib’s latest attempt to paint himself and UMNO as honest? Najib gets more ludicrous every day. After giving himself and Zahid “jobs for life” within UMNO he is now handing out fake Ministerial jobs as part of his ludicrous bid to buy GE 14. And who

Respectable Leader?

Much is being made in UMNO circles about the standing of arch thief Najib Razak. He is depicted as enjoying the “total respect” of the Malay community. Leave the opium dream to one side. How can a mega theif. One publicly proven by no less than the Justice Department of the USA to be a

Talking Nonsense

  It certainly won’t be the first time that this description has been applied to Najib’s cousin and unelected “senior vice president” of UMNO and it probably won’t be the last, judging by his public record. But his statement that “Malaysian Armed Forces are ready to roll on Jerusalam” must be the near the top of

Long Run!

UMNO Youth Chief Khairy Jamaluddin is reported as saying that Najib’s policies will “benefit Malaysia in the long run” Really? How long? Too difficult a question for Khairy to answer? One year? Ten years? Some time this century? It really does not matter as no one will believe it anyway. What is clear to all,

Trying for the impossible

Yet another of arch thief Najib’s joke Ministers, this time Salleh Said Keruak, has made a public fool of himself by calling for punishment of any news portal that appears to be insulting Najib. In the first place, it is impossible to insult Najib. How do you insult a man who has stolen billions of

Lame Duck

Relative, and toady to arch criminal Najib, Hishamuddin looked as though he had been outmaneeouvred in any attempt to solidify his position as heir to his cousin in the UMNO power structure. No open attempt to secure his position in the Party; as was arranged for Najib and Zahid. But blood is thicker than water

Thug Politics

Malaysia’s domestic Press today shows a photograph of UMNO cadre Jamal Yunos swinging a sledgehammer at a representation of opposition politician Zaid Ibrahim. The message from UMNO is clear and unequivocal. Oppose us in any way and you can expect the same fate as a whole string of past critics; cement barrels or shootings or

Crook’s Insurance Policy

It has now emerged, from the UMNO assembly, that the immunity of arch criminal Najib and his deputy Zahid from any party electoral challenges is not limited, as before appeared, to their posts in UMNO but, in the unlikely event of a BN election victory, will apply during the following Parliament. The voters should be

Fate of the Nation?

This is what arch criminal Najib Razak said would be decided in the coming GE 14. Typically he tried to buttress this absurd statement by claiming that Malays would be discriminated against, that the Sultans would be deposed and that those who supported UMNO would suffer if he was defeated. What monumental impudence! What he

Bully Boy

Fear often makes true personality clear. Certainly this was the case with Deputy (for the moment) PM Zahid when addressing the cheats congress (UMNO annual meeting). Greed is another motivating factor, especially among thieves, who always want something for nothing. So it is not hard to see what is behind Minister Zahid’s ugly threats about

Sad Day

BN Minister Rahman Dahlan chose those words in criticizing PH for naming Dr. Mahthir as its interim leader and potential Prime Minister when PH sweep the board at GE 14. They ought, he claimed, to have been able to find a new leader. Some Ministers are not well briefed but surely he has heard that

Go For It Zahid

Presently number two in UMNO but always looking ahead Minister Zaid told the public, and by implication the PDRM, that it was not enough just to go after bribe takers but that bribe givers should also be investigated! In a society with a competent and incorruptible police force and prosecution service such advice would be

Boss’s Orders

In a public statement MACC boss Dzulkifli declared that Najib had never given orders to MACC either to investigate or not to investigate any one at all! For those who had been wondering about the price Inche Z would have to pay to end the trumped up charge of improper behavior for which he is

Disputed Island

Last year the International Court with jurisdiction in such matters ruled that this island, ownership of which was claimed by Malaysia, actually belonged to Singapore. That should have been that. But no. Malaysia is seeking a review of the judgment according to AG Apandi. In itself that is a matter of little importance but the fuss being made

Pay Off “explained”

Answering in Parliament arch thief Najib “explained” why his former enforcer and informer and bully boy Khalid was put in charge of bus services. It was, he claimed, because of Khalid’s Integrity, Experience and Capability. The Press reports on this answer do not say whether this reply was received, as it ought to have been with derision.

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