Speakers' Corner

Occasional contributions from readers, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Sarawak Report but may be published at the discretion of the site

Miniature Hitler

Yet another of arch criminal Najib’s ministers popped his head up with a Hitlerite statement to the effect that civil servants are “only allowed to vote for BN”! Childish and pathetic though it is this diktat issued by Education Minister Mahzir Khalid is also sinister in the highest degree. How does this fellow think that […]

Resolving scandals?

Press reports indicate that arch thief Najib Razak is rushing to “tie up” scandals prior to the holding of GE14! Named among those scandals are Felda and 1MDB. If this report is correct it would indicate that, at long last, Najib is admitting that these crimes, and others, actually took place. That is a long

“Confrontational Diplomacy”

No more of this between Malaysia and Singapore said arch thief Najib publicly recently. He should have spelt out the issues on which Malaysia has or will drop “confrontation” Most Malaysians will have been ignorant that there had been any confrontation at all. The issue of ownership of a tiny island has been settled by

Independent skilful legal profession

That, claimed the “Chief Justice, Raus, was what was needed in Malaysia. He did not see fit to go on to explain whether such a profession already existed in Malaysia but another apologist said that the drop off in standards in the legal profession was due to the use of the English language! Considering that

Running out of bribe money?

Addressing a gathering of retired police officers arch thief Najib promised them a total of RM9 million over three years. Is that all that these votes are worth? Or has the arch thief finally come near to the bottom of the barrel of public money that he has stolen? Quite a difference from before when

How much did that cost?

Klang UMNO announced, with as much publicity as they could get or buy, that 100 members of Pribumi had defected to UMNO and that, as a result the Opposition in Klang was “crippled”) What a joke! Even if there is any truth in this report, and remember it was issued by the party of liars,


Deputy Home Minister Nur Jazlan announced that what he called unauthorised statements by Anwar Ibrahim could “add to jail time” In making this childish bullying threat the “Minister” did more to disclose the threat posed to him and his fellows in UMNO by GE 14 than succeeding in shutting off contact between political prisoner Anwar

No more postponements

This from the “Chief Justice” While a wish to move the judicial process forward as rapidly as possible is a praiseworthy objective it would perhaps come better from a more authoritative source It might be thought that such a statement from a Chief Justice would be appropriate. And, of course, it could be if it

Another acquittal appeal?

Former Minister Zaid Ibrahim was acquitted when tried for the absurd charge that he insulted arch criminal Najib Razak in a blog post. As if it was possible to insult such a mega criminal! The Court ruled that since Najib had not been called to give evidence that he felt insulted there was no case

Does he know anything else?

Arch thief Najib Razak began promoting himself as a fairy godmother by announcing that civil servants and pensioners would soon receive part of a bribe inserted in the 2018 Budget by himself. Presumably Najib is so mired in corruption that he thinks that bribery will win him votes. Wrong! It will just win him more

Run out of leaders?

UMNO Minister Noh said this about PH. Maybe he was referring to the fact that UMNO, at its recent annual meeting, decided not to allow any elections for Party leader or his deputy. Has UMNO “run out of leaders” to the extent that they could not hold elections for the top posts? Are mega crook

Farewell Message

Arch criminal Najib Razak took advantage if the imminent arrival of 2018 to issue what he called a New Year message but which, as everyone, including himself, knows was a goodbye message to the Malaysian electorate. In it he attempted to depict himself as an honest inclusive leader asking for a renewal of the confidence

Not beholden?

Second Finance Minister Johari was the patsy put forward to say in public that Malaysia was “not indebted to anyone” in respect of 1MDB paying off IPIC. Why send the office boy to do that when the Finance Minister, arch thief Najib Razak, is living and breathing in Kuala Lumpur? Is Johari a more convincing

A Criminal Silence?

Public disquiet about the management of Felda is rising by the day. And rightly so. Increasing evidence of wrongdoing, possibly of a criminal nature continues to see the light of day. And what happens? Nothing! Why? Malaysia has an expensive Police Force, a costly Attorney General’s chambers, a large judicial apparatus and, most importantly, an

of the USA. Beijing’s only Malaysian Asset.

Today a sovereign Malaysia once more faces a threat from communist China. This time it is not in the shape of a terrorist movement but something both more powerful yet far easier to deal with. One man. Najib Razak. No one knows better than Beijing that the best way to achieve a political objective is

For Security?

Hard on the heels of a report that a new Army camp, capable of holding 10000 voters (soldiers) and presumably their voting family members was being constructed in Minister (and Najib cousin) Hishamuddin’s constituency we see a fierce denial from Deputy Defence Minister Mohd Johari. Such camps, he asserted, are built for security reasons, not

Failing Vendetta

The ridiculous, and Najib inspired, campaign to get rid of MACC chief Dzulkifli took a new twist recently. Faced with widespread ridicule BN and Najib had been quietly backing off any disciplinary moves or Court action. But raucous calls for the MACC chief’s head had made such a retreat difficult. So the “case” stumbles on.

How stupid?

Just how stupid does arch thief Najib think the people of Sarawak and Sabah are? Judging by his latest remark that Borneo people who want the return of rights and assets taken from them by BN should vote for BN! Very! Just do that and see what will happen. As for the last decades a

Bent by Age?

Or bent by personality? A question arch thief Najib would find it difficult to answer. To attack one’s elders and betters on grounds of age is despicable as well as childish. Tun Mahathir has rendered long service to the people of Malaysia and to his former party, UMNO; before it fell into the hands of

Smoke and Mirrors

Arch criminal Najib announces that Sarawak BN leader, minority Malay Abang Johari, has a plan to link up with Sarawak’s SUPP. So Sarawak’s toady party will get into bed with a party founded by Chinese communists. How desperate can he get? There was a time when Sarawak elections could be bought for rice and small

Whose dead body?

While most Malaysians would not be in the least sorry to see arch thief Najib’s dead body his theatrical gesture about Jerusalem will raise nothing but laughter about his stupidity in public utterance. Everyone has the right to their own opinion on the Palestinian/Israeli problem but few, apart from the arrantly ignorant, will feel the

Quis custodiet ipsos Custodes?

The question, first posed by the Romans, remains as contemporary, and unanswered, today. Who indeed checks on the custodians of law and order? Today, it seems that, in respect of financial crime, there is no proper oversight of money laundering and mega theft involving not just international criminals but international super banks. A relevant instance

Malaysia’s Little Big Horn

The scene of Custer’s Last Stand or more historically correct, the scene of a major military blunder. Now we have latter day Custer, Malaysia’s Defence Minister, Hishamuddin, claiming, untruthfully, that there are no military camps in his constituency. Lie! Enquiries on the spot show that a camp for 10,000 soldiers is under construction. Why? Why

Chinese Takeaway?

Malaysians belonging to the Malay community might well be asking themselves why UMNO is handing over Malaysia to Beijing. What, they could enquire, does the CPG want from Malaysia? There is a simple answer to that. Access to the Indian Ocean. Naval and military bases on the West coast of Malaysia; both to control the


Minister Rahman Dahlan recently displayed his talent as a toady by speaking about what he called Najib’s “vision of balanced development.” Could he have been referring to 1 Malaysia Development Berhad? All Malaysia knows what developed from that. Hundreds of millions into Najib’s personal bank account. Giving a specific instance of this “balanced development” the

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