Speakers' Corner

Occasional contributions from readers, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Sarawak Report but may be published at the discretion of the site

Outside Malaysia Muslims don’t count.

This extraordinary view, apparently held by Deputy PM Zahid, himself from outside the country, was expressed in the context of a demand from Beijing for the extradition of some Uighir Muslims presently in Malaysia. For a champion of Islam and principal helper of arch thief (and Muslim) Najib Razak this seems a strange view until […]

Not connected?

A federal government lawyer told a Court that the “Government” is not connected to PM Najib or 1MDB. Well we are used to legal double speak when the results of criminal activity come home to roost. But this must be either the record or very close. Unless something secret has happened arch thief Najib is

Shutting the Stable door

After the horse has bolted! Or in the case of the Sarawak Chief Minister after the forest has been felled! In a cheap, publicity grabbing, move he announced an increase in the timber levy from 80 cents to RM50. Now that virtually all of the State’s irreplaceable tropical forest has been cut down by cronies


Lap dog “Minister” Salleh Keruak has accused PH leader Dr. Mahathir of “slandering” arch criminal Najib Razak. Probably this Minister is not legally qualified. Nevertheless, he should check the validity of his statements before he utters them. His declaration that PH leader Dr. Mahathir has slandered Najib is ludicrous. To be slandered in any way

Registration of Societies

This is governed by legislation that is a hangover from colonial times when control over political activities was deemed necessary. Post Independence governments have seen fit to retain and amend laws to control registration of societies. Such laws. like all other laws, can be misused by undemocratic governments, of which the present Malaysian government is

Come to us

The reaction of the KL police chief responsible for investigating the suspicious death of a female Dutch national, earlier written off as an “accident” Why does this senior police officer think that new evidence in a case, for the investigation of which he is responsible, should surface in the press instead of being brought to

A challenge to the judicial process?

The judge presiding over proceedings brought by unjustly imprisoned politician Anwar Ibrahim qualified the proceedings as above. Really? What does that judge think the Courts are there for at all? If not to put right gross injustices? Everyone in Malaysia, with the possible exception of this Judge, is fully aware that the conviction in that


There is continuing evidence that some of Malaysia’s State rulers are stuck in a past when they could mistreat any resident of their State that they felt like punishing. The latest example of this blindness to the modern world comes from the Sultan of Kelantan who has “revoked” an award to former PM Mahathir. The

Tarnished Images?

An unfortunate Malaysian yesterday fell victim to the absurd law that permits the criminal punishment of those who make “derogatory” statements about others. In this instance he was accused of making such statements about mega thief Najib and joke accomplice Attorney General Apandi. How it could be possible to make derogatory remarks about one who

Latter day “Sun King”

In stripping PH leader Anwar Ibrahim of Selangor State honorifics the Sultan of that State has, once again, brought to the forefront the whole notion of royalty in Malaysia. When the Constitution was being drafted the then rulers of Malaya accepted that the traditional Malay Rulers should retain their titles and some strictly defined privileges

Lynch Law

The latest legal outrage in Malaysia should move the May government and the UK Bar Council finally to do something to condemn, if not prevent, the criminal regime of arch thief Najib Razak from misusing his country’s absurd and nonsensical laws. In brief there used to be, on the Malaysian Statute book, a “law” which,

Oil crossed palm

As part of the mega thief Najib’s attempt to sell Malaysia to Beijing in return for personal financial gain and cover up of mega crime, a new aspect has come into view. A CPG official announced that China will place no limit on the quantity of palm oil that it will buy from Malaysia. This

A (relatively) short suicide note

  PAS leader Hadi issued this in public when speaking about what a PAS government would do. Basically government would be by Muslims who would decide policies and actions and non-Muslims who would give effect to those decisions. Given the provisions of the Federal Constitution this can only lead the hearer to one of two

Debt Warning!

Reports emerge about doubts and worries in Uganda arising from excessive borrowing from Beijing. If arch crook Najib sees these reports or if they are brought to his notice by responsible Malaysian civil servants he will no doubt ignore them. After all Beijing provided the money which enabled him to pay off some of the


Mega criminal Najib Razak called on Malaysians who are ashamed of their country to leave! He omitted to add that there is no right to a passport (needed to leave) for Malaysians who need to be approved by UMNO before they can get a passport! As the person whose many criminal actions have brought Malaysia

Spoilt Vote Campaign

This UMNO initiative, based on the advice of their election “consultants” is intended to induce young voters to spoil their votes and so invalidate them. The fact that it has first reared its propaganda head in Sabah is significant. It can be assumed that UMNO’s foreign gurus have identified that politically naïve area as the

Visit to India

To commemorate inter Asian links is no doubt a worthy idea, for those countries concerned that can afford the expense. But for Najib to attend such an occasion puts the Government of India in a poor light as openly receiving a proven mega criminal to an official occasion. There can be no doubt that the

“Failings, Lapses of competence”

In these terms mega thief Najib tried to minimise the 1MDB scandals. Can he seriously have thought that anyone would accept such nonsense? The fact of the matter is that he personally benefited to the tune of 681 million dollars from the fund. And that when at all times he had the sole power to

RELA In Sabah

Deputy Minister Nur Jazlan launched an attack against Sabah politician Shafie for querying the role of RELA members sent to Sabah. Why? Is the Malaysian public not supposed or allowed to know the reason for this deployment? After all they will be paying for it; just as they pay Nur Jazlan’s salary. Why anyway? Is

Long term asset hold?

An EPF spokesman, referring to the EPF investment in the London Battersea Power Station project spoke about it being a long term asset hold. In other words, having paid well over the odds, no profit can be expected for some years; if ever. That, no doubt, seems a sensible thing to someone investing other people’s

The Real Battle

Press reports indicate that there is “a battle” ongoing in Putrajaya between supporters of MACC chief Dzulkifli and those after his head. These reports focus on an alleged liaison with a woman not his wife. The liasion is not the issue. It is the excuse. What mega thief Najib is after is total control over

Allah will decide!

PAS President Hadi so stated when referring to the question of who would be Prime Minster after GE14! An interesting twist on electoral practice in Malaysia. But no. A majority of voters will decide this interesting question as anyone except a religious fanatic would accept. There is a lesson for voters in this. Should Hadi’s

Trust BN?

In a speech marked by trademark dishonesty,  Najib called on Malaysians to trust BN with Malaysia’s future! Would you trust an habitual criminal with your loose change let alone your country and your children’s futures? Of course not. And Najib IS an habitual criminal who steals anything and everything belonging to the public as opportunity

Mug Mahdzir

A day after threatening public servants that a vote for PH would adversely affect them this stupid Minister is in full retreat. Not least because his ridiculous threats against public servants immediately backfired against him. Of course, being an UMNO hard core liar, he felt unable to retract his threats and tried to present them

Friendship. What friendship?

When arch criminal Najib applied to take his begging bowl to the White House he was hoping that the damning DOJ report about him and 1MDB might be quietly buried. When President Trump agreed to allow a visit by Najib it was solely because he was led to believe that Malaysia would place huge orders

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