Speakers' Corner

Occasional contributions from readers, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Sarawak Report but may be published at the discretion of the site

Crashing national economy?

Arch thief and perennial liar Najib Razak, in an attempt to secure support, alleged publicly that if PH (he might have saId when) win GE14 Malaysia’s public debt would enter the trillion range. As Finance Minister he is in an unequalled position to know the true extent of the national debt and also to know […]

Fascist Law. Dud charge.

A Malaysian Court has, very properly, acquitted a police officer who had been charged under the Fascist inspired and BN backed Communications Act. This latter, which even Adolf Hitler would have envied, was forced through by BN in a, vain, attempt to stifle criticism of any kind against them by multi media means. In this

Lies bite the dust. A million times.

A Malaysian court has given judgment in a defamation case brought against bus conductor and former IGP Khalid and another for gross defamation of a Malay lady politician. This means, among other things, that arch criminal Najib’s continual defence of ex IGP Khalid shows that either he did not know that Khalid was a crook

Aiding and abetting

A term of art that no judge or lawyer should be unaware of, nor of the usual consequences of doing that. Nevertheless the Courts are in danger of being seen doing exactly that by using tactics to try to block the hearing of a challenge to the Registrar of Societies. Why? Because the Registrar, presumably

UMNO Buffoon

Party spokesman Nur Jazlan made a public fool of himself, and his party, in remarks on the coming general election. Specifically he accused PH of wanting to “win and take power” After which they would “not serve the people” What does he think elections are for if not to take power? As to serving the

Dead Men don’t vote

Mega thief Najib appeared to have overlooked this truth when addressing an AIM gathering at Pekan. Listing many of the public bodies that he alleged are helping the “poor people”, meaning the rural Malay community. he admitted that most of the work done by these organisations was the result of his late father’s policies and actions.

Dhalan Speak

BN spokesman Rahman Dahlan issued a message, presumably aimed at the Malay community, claiming that BN had not “sold out” Malaysia to Beijing. In support of that he stated that “only” 65 billion ringgit had been invested by Beijing in Malaysia. He neglected to add that of that sum fifty billion was a “fake” loan to allow

Provincial sucker? Or worse?

Sarawak’s Chief Minister laid bare either his ignorance of financial matters, or his complicity with arch crook Najib, in a statement about Sarawak’s share in gas plants in his State. Recently he has been shouting loudly about his State getting at least a better share of, if not total control of, Sarawak’s oil reserves. Oddly enough

Election tactics

All Malaysians old enough to vote are well informed on how BN/UMNO have conducted past general elections. Put briefly, by breaking all the laws governing the conduct of elections with the active connivance of the very authorities charged with ensuring fair elections. The Election Commission. Some things have been taken for granted, in the past, and will be

Minhan begs military for electoral support

In what is presumed to be a counter blow to the Chief of the Armed Forces, who retracted his call to all military to vote BN and told them to vote their conscience instead, Defence “Minister” Hishamuddin issued a pathetic appeal to the military to vote for him and BN. As he forcibly moved a

Joke Attorney General

In an, even for him, stupid public performance AG Apandi announced that he would begin a “new contract” in late July. It has presumably escaped his notice that by then a new PH government will have been in office for some weeks and will have advised the Agong to dismiss him. He also appears to have overlooked

Liars, B. Liars and the EC

In its latest attempt to avoid the charge of gerrymandering the EC, through its “Chairman” offered the “explanation” that the Commission cannot “split racial groups when drawing up boundaries”! Tahi  kudos and yet another example proving that the Commission can fiddle but it cannot lie effectively: What he meant, of course, is that the EC will, and

Speaker or Squeaker

Malaysia, having accepted the Constitution offered to it by the departing colonial power, should either select another, more suited to its nature, or apply the existing one fairly and equably. In so far as the office of Speaker of the Legislative Assembly is concerned this is not the case. Firstly the very essence of the office

Speaker or Ventriloquist?

The Malaysian Parliament, like some other such Institutions, seems to be afflicted by having a pompous and ignorant Speaker. This, non elected, individual, who has his own private gilded loo extorted from an unwilling taxpayer, has lately been giving a further example of his unfitness for his post by suspending some opposition members for querying an attempt by

Corruption Index

Malaysia’s place on the world wide Index of corrupt countries fell from 55 to sixty something last year. As a non local index it has to rely on statistics such as MACC reports and the result of Court cases. As all Malaysians know those do not provide a full picture of official corruption in Malaysia. A

Najib sues for defamation!

Readers of relevant news items about the case are entitled to ask themselves. Reputation? What reputation? How can a mega thief and worse claim to have any reputation other than one of being a mega criminal? The answer seems to be that this case began in 2015 when Najib’s criminal behaviour was not yet public knowledge.

Compliant Court

Once again the Court of Appeal has come to the rescue of arch criminal Najib by overruling the High Court which had allowed some young Malaysians to sue Najib for paying IPIC out of public funds. This is far from the first time that this Court, whose chief is in office illegally and in contravention

Election Ethics!

The Chairman of the Election Commission, in a public statement, expressed the hope that the coming general election would be conducted ethically. Unfortunately he did not expand on what he meant by that. Does he, for instance, consider that the gerrymandering that his Commission has been and is carrying out is “ethical” And if so how? It is

Press reports state that Rosmah Mansor, wife of arch criminal Najib Razak, has made a report to the police alleging that she has been slandered. As if such a thing is possible! What reputation can anyone have after being found in possession of jewellery bought by her husband with stolen public funds. Something of which

Waste of Police Time

Press reports indicate that some members of the PDRM are wasting time, and public money, “investigating” a press item alleging that PH personality Lim Guan Eng sang a song attacking the GST! What a terrible crime! And by a politician too! If the police would read, assuming those concerned can, the Act they are reported to

Fantasy Tunnel

Addressing people in Perak deputy PM Zahid spoke about a tunnel that is to be constructed between Perak and Indonesian Sumatra. Of course he did not say when the would happen, nor how long the tunnel would have to be, nor what benefit, if any, it would bring to either country. In fact the only reason

New Highs

The description chosen by arch thief Najib Razak to describe Beijing-Malaysia “ties” Even more interestingly this was the message sent by the mega criminal to mark the installation of the Chinse dictator as President for life! How Najib must envy the Chinese life President. If only he too could achieve that he and Rosmah could

Clueless or Worse?

Press reports tell us that, prior to the ASEAN summit meeting in Australia, the Prime Minister of that country held a private meeting to discuss summit issues with mega criminal Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak. Whatever views one may hold about the competence of Australian public authorities it is inconceivable  Mr. Turnbull is ignorant of

Open letter to the Yang di Pertuan Agong

Your Majesty, As the King of Malaysia you have, as you will be aware, many responsibilities towards all Malaysians. You        also have many powers given to you by the Constitution to enable you to carry out your duties as Head of State. Your primary duty is, of course, to safeguard the interests of all

Bad Judgement

Once again Malaysia’s court system came to the rescue of arch criminal Najib Razak by striking out a case requiring reimbursement of billions stolen from 1 MDB. The defendants, Najib, the supremo of the fund, and the “directors” of it thus secured relief from having to explain their actions in Court. That is purely temporary. The

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