Speakers' Corner

Occasional contributions from readers, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Sarawak Report but may be published at the discretion of the site


Is Chief Judge Raus still sitting in the Federal Court and his colleague, illegally re-appointed at the same time in the Court of Appeal. So long as this duo are allowed to sit illegally in their respective courts any proceedings in which they take part are null and void, ab initio. Important matters, both civil […]

L’Etat c’est Moi

The words attributed to a former King of France; in the days before France abolished monarchy. It seems that the attitude summed up in that quotation still exists in some Malaysian States with hereditary rulers still adopting the attitude that they are “absolute monarchs” That of course, is no longer so. The government of Malaysia’s

More Constitutional Questions

Since it has become evident since the election that the whole constitutional position in Malaysia is due, perhaps overdue, for review and possible amendment it may be useful to summarise the present position. What is clear is that successive Agongs, including the present one, have done Najib’s bidding when they were neither obliged by law

‘Sedition and Criminal Intimidation’

This is description given publicly by IGP Fuzi to press reports of monarchical extravagance. Investigation papers have been opened, he thunders. Does he think arch criminal Najib is still Prime Minister and that BN are still in power? That question has to be asked when the head of the Police Force makes such statements and

A Further Constitutional Question

The climb down by the Agong over the appointment of the new Attorney General was as inevitable as expected. The Constitution is crystal clear on this matter. The incident may, however, be just a signal of more and significant separation between the system of parliamentary democracy which exists in Malaysia and the anachronistic presence in

A Constitutional Question

As usual the former colonial rulers, the British, are to blame. Having done a series of deals with the Malay rulers they found in place when taking over Malaya they did a final one when abandoning their authority to the new Malaya, later Malaysia. Influenced perhaps by their home status as a monarchy they agreed

Justice Must Be Done

The election is over. The people have spoken in an unmistakable form. Enough of the criminal BN and its collaborators. A clear and definite message and one that no politician can afford to ignore. There may no longer be a guillotine but criminal politicians like Najib and his family and his ex-Ministers and his toady

Too Old To Be So Foolish

Virtually the only public voice supporting arch thief Najib is 8o plus Ku Nan, who says that Najib has done a good job. If he meant the amount of public money that Najib has stolen or the number of opponents who have “disappeared”, explosively or just in barrels, he could have a point. It is

Will PetroSaudi Boys Flip On Najib?

The official announcement by the Swiss authorities that they are prosecuting two PetroSaudi managers for various crimes connected to the 1MDB swindles are an announcement to arch thief Najib that he is next. Does he seriously think that these two crooks will not inform  on his part in the swindle in return for some leniency

Small Heads!

If the Election Commission ever had any credibility they have now lost it. To order the excision of the image of Dr. Mahathir from an election poster is both childish and illegal. A question to this “Commission” Will you order the excision of all representations of all kinds of arch criminal Najib from election material

Truth at Last

Now that Nomination day is over and the campaign begun even mega thief Najib will find it harder to censor speech and writing.  So for the coming, absurdly brief, period before Polling Day all Malaysians are free to speak out without being tossed in a PDRM cell or a cement barrel. IF Malaysian voters do

Not A Stunt

Words used by BN to describe the attempt to sabotage the plane due to take Dr. Mahathir to Langkawi to file his nomination papers. How true. It was not. It was a deliberate attempt by criminal BN to prevent Dr. M from taking part in GE14. Never mind what lies aspirant PM Zahid is retailing.

No such thing

As a safe seat in GE14, according to a leading woman BN official! Well, a dose of realism at the heart of BN, pouring cold water on arch criminal Najib’s hype about a big majority. This lady has apparently noticed what the BN criminalocracy has been deliberately ignoring which is that voters from all communities

Highest level of credibility!

This, according to Deputy, and aspirant, Prime Minister Zaid, is to be accorded to the Election Commission! A few questions Minister. First. Why? What has happened to bring their credibility into question? Vast gerrymandering (which has happened). Patent bias in favour of the criminal BN regime? Obvious to all concerned. Personal panic at the prospect

Fatal Weakness

Najib Razak has  claimed that Dr. M is being used to split the Malay vote. WRONG. The Malay vote will go to PH by a big majority. Why?  Because most Malay voters, BN crooks excluded, are honest men and women disgusted by the spectacle of their community’s good name being ruined by a bunch of

Criticism, BN style

In a public statement deputy Prime Minister (for a few days more) Zahid stated that criticism “is allowed” BUT “it must be constructive” So revealing, intentionally or otherwise, that, for BN, Malaysia is a police state in which he and his friends can decide on whether any criticism of them and their actions is “constructive.”

Criminal Complains!

Najib Razak has publicly accused political opponents of persistent defamation against him! If this upset him why has he not sued? Despite being described daily, and accurately, as a mega thief and worse he has not once applied to the Courts, some of which he controls by one means or another, for relief from this

Vindictive and Stupid

The Courts rightly struck out a sedition charge against MP Surendran on  the obvious ground that the offence with which he was charged was no longer an offence, having been repealed by the, BN, parliament! One hand unaware of what the other is doing?! The only possible reason for this legal stupidity, to see it


Chess players would so describe what the Court has done to the egregious,partisan and incompetent Registrar of Societies. Her attempt to prevent the major opposition party from contesting GE14 has fallen flat on its face after the High Court invalidated her, illegal, ruling banning that party from contesting GE14. Opinions about the reasons for the

Drumming Up Business?

Kelantan based surgeon Nik Mazlan has been quoted in the domestic Malaysian press as saying that amputation of a hand for theft (as prescribed in Islamic law) is “barbaric” but  “it is the way to stop theft”. Assuming that such an offensive and indeed barbaric practice became legal, as PAS appear to want, who better

Monitoring Democracy

In a long winded series of statements about GE14 Foreign Minister Anifah Aman stated that Malaysia would not allow any external monitoring of GE14.  Malaysians alone would perform that task! What is he worried about? Some foreign observer might see the usual electoral abuses which are standard for BN. Bribes at the polling booths. Cash

Thug Politics

No one should be surprised by the reaction of the UMNO management to the action brought against it by some if its members. Instead of waiting to see how the Court proceedings went the UMNO management summarily expelled all those concerned from the party. Thug behaviour by thug politicians, furious that their illegal and despicable

Piling Pelion on Ossa

International bank HSBC once more expressed its political support for mega thief Najib Razak, immediately after a similar puff yesterday. This time the bank expressed doubts about progress with major infrastructure projects, including the East Coast Railway, should BN lose the May 9th election. Fools rush in where angels fear to tread but not many

Et tu Brute?

The reported last words of Roman dictator Julius Ceasar. But they have a haunting relevance in today’s Malaysia. Court proceedings have been started by some UMNO members asking for a declaration that the Registrar of Societies acted illegally in allowing UMNO to defer its party elections until 2019. They are, of course, right and it

Banks rush in where angels fear to tread

In an, hopefully, unprecedented and unacceptable manner the mega bank HSBC have openly interfered with a national general election. How? The bank issued a public statement that if the opposition win the general election due to be held in Malaysia on 9 May that country’s currency might suffer a drop in value. Some,largely specious, reasons

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