Speakers' Corner

Occasional contributions from readers, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Sarawak Report but may be published at the discretion of the site

Time For A Commission of Enquiry Into The Judiciary

Judicial Crisis hitting its top: Time for CJ to re-instil confidence by calling for RCI  by ARUN KASI, Advocate and Solicitor Background in outline Malaysia is currently going through a judicial crisis, following events that took place since the IMLC 2018, that is looking forward to RCI coming into play to clean any negative perception […]

Repeal SOSMA Now!

  It is utterly disgraceful that Malaysians should be in prison under Najib’s fascist “law” SOSMA. The Assembly would need only a few minutes to repeal this blot on Malaysian jurisprudence and so free those detained. What need for “patience”? Act now! As for those said to be in favour of retaining this grotesque legislation

Judicial Misbehaviour

There is presently a good deal of noise around alleged judicial misconduct and the various methods of dealing with any such that may be substantiated. That can only be so because there are substantial grounds for believing this to be the case. The eviction of Najib and his consequent loss of ability to manipulate judicial

Timber Tracking

Now that the new Sabah State government has begun to clean house with the sacking of Mannan and other clean up measures it should consider attempts at recovery of money obtained by Sabah companies through the destruction of the State’s forests and the export of the resultant timber. However books in Sabah may have been


Sabah Chief Minister Shafee is doubtless correct when he states that his immigration personnel are not issuing Mykads to illegal immigrants. That does not mean that the previous BN administration did not do that. They did! And in large numbers, so creating a tied vote for BN. In fact that didn’t save BN from defeat

Strange Bedfellows

  The “support” offered to PH by the illegitimate government of the State of Sarawak stinks to high heaven. It is the action of thieves trying to avert the fall of the hand of the law on their shoulders. It may be that the PH administration wish to have the additional votes in the Assembly

Cleaning House

It is impossible to deny that, with its recent electoral victory, PH is faced with a massive task of cleaning up, not just the public service, but many other aspects of Malaysian society. Sixty plus years of political monoculture allowed many abuses to flourish and that process was vastly accelerated under Najib when he came


Malaysian IGP Fuzi is reported as saying that the hunt for Jho Low is “still on” Exactly what he meant by that is not clear. Has an Interpol Red notice been issued? In the past Malaysia was not slow to use this procedure. Has it now? If the fugitive is in a country that is

Future Generations

Najib’s latest doom say is that future generations will suffer if his crooked GST is not restored. Why worry about future generations Najib? If they learn anything about 2018 it will be that that was the year in which mega corruption was smashed and a new llfe opened for the “future generations” he seems so

Good News

The impending visit to Malaysia by US Secretary of State Pompeo is very good news for all Malaysians. It shows that relations with the US, badly damaged by the criminal activities in the US of Najib and Jho Low, have greatly improved with the victory of the democratic PH administration. No doubt there will be

Judicial Foot Dragging?

The general election is now quite a while in the past. Clearly the PH government has a mountain of problems with which to deal. Among the most urgent is to establish the true final result of GE14. A large number of election petitions have been filed within the delay prescribed by law and must therefore

Adding Ignorance To Insolence

  The Malaysian public are treated today to a further display of ignorance and insolence by ex- Minister Azalina. She, if we may so describe her, warns PH about what she calls withdrawal of criminal charges. If there have been or will be such withdrawals it will be because those charged are the victims of

Resign. That’s fine. But.

The news that arch thief Najib’s former chief bully boy and snitch, Khalid Abu Bakar, has resigned from overseeing the bus company where Najib “parked” him when his activities became too public and too nauseous to keep him on as IGP. Maybe he is foolish enough to think that by this move he can escape

Fox In The Hen house

It is reported that BN boss and ex Deputy Prime Minister Zahid is to be nominated as Chairman of the Public Accounts Committee of the Assembly! And nominated by PH! This particular committee was, during the time in office of mega thief Najib, a principal means of covering up BN’s thefts of public funds; and

On The Horns Of A Dilemma

Asked in the evening of life to resume leadership, to take control and to try to find ways while many of those who could and should help are relics of one of the world’s most corrupt regimes. In that situation the notion of a small group of trusted and honest advisers to attempt a cleansing

Update The Rulers

Malaysia is a sovereign State governed by the representatives of its people and headed by a titular Monarchy. In that it resembles the former colonial Power, Great Britain, which also has the monarchical system. There is, however, a marked difference between the two States. In Britain the irresistible movement by the people towards self-sovereignty has

Sarawak Satellite Positioning

  A Sarawak political party which supported BN in the general election. And which has now ratted to the election winners, proposes a new political entity to be called Gabungang Parti Sarawak. Of course, there is nothing new about it, being composed of parties that slavishly supported BN under the orders of Taib Mahmud and

Go Now!

A Malaysian lawyer has called on the CJ,Raus, and the President of the Court of Appeal to go at once instead of on July 31st. as they propose. He is right! There is no question that these two judges are in office in defiance of the Constitution. It must be presumed that as qualified lawyers,

Regain Trust!

Former BN Minister and current UMNO presidential candidate Zahid is reported as saying that UMNO can regain trust. It has only to abandon “money politics”! Coming from arch thief Najb’s former Deputy and right hand man most Malaysians will simply burst out laughing. It seems that Zahid thinks that Najib will be the only UMNO

Right and Wrong

Speaking from a luxury villa on Langkawi, rather than from a remand cell in Kuala Lumpur, mega thief Najib has done the expected and blamed all his wrongdoing on his accomplices and former government subordinates. No surprise there. Facing the rest of his life in jail it was to be expected that a rat wold

Legal Eagles

An PH Assembly member, reasonably, asks why mega thief Najib is hiring US lawyers when, as he points out, equally competent Malaysian lawyers are available. There is a misunderstanding here. Najib is not relying on foreign lawyers to defend him over his crimes in Malaysia. Someone (Shafee if he is in Malaysia and still a

People Without Shame

Press reports indicate that no less than seven persons have listed themselves as candidates for the vacant position of UMNO President. It beggars belief that there should be any competition for this position, disgraced as it has been by ex Prime Minister Najib. None of those contending, especially those who were Ministers in the Najib

Better Late Than Never?

A somewhat delayed recognition by the UK’s KL diplomatic representative that PH won the election and are in solid control of Malaysia? The British High Commissioner issued a statement that the UK would help Malaysia to recover stolen assets but qualified that promise by saying that ownership would have to be proved. There should be

A rat jumps ship

With hardly a farewell splash EC Chairman Hashim jumps overboard from the Commission. Let us hope that the PH government do not leave matters at that. During his tenure, and especially before the election, this man conducted a totally illegal campaign to try to rig the result. Unheard of manipulation of boundaries. Improper registration of

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