Speakers' Corner

Occasional contributions from readers, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Sarawak Report but may be published at the discretion of the site

Can’t Or Don’t Want To?

PH leader in waiting Anwar is absolutely right when he says that PH WILL get rid of the dictatorial laws that the criminal BN government inflicted on the Malaysian public. It is also absurd to claim that the temple riots at Subang cold only be dealt with by using such laws. The PDRM, for all […]


  The word chosen by PAS leader Awang Hadi to describe millions of his fellow Malaysians. Coolies who, according to him, should be grateful that they were allowed by “master race” Malays to be in Malaysia at all. It is a point of view. No doubt about that even if many Malaysians, Malays included, would

Go To Hell?

This “elegant” phrase was what an UMNO spokesman at the anti ICERD rally felt the United Nations should do. While his vulgar words will not cause the tiniest echo in New York they do illustrate the true nature of both before and post election UMNO. Thugs led by their noses by mega crooks. Instead if


The new Chairman of FELDA has announced that it owes this enormous amount and that he hopes it can be cut to six and a half billion by next year. He was silent on when, if ever, the remaining debt will be paid off. This lamentable state of affairs is, of course, due to BN

Trumped UP?

Fugitive Najib accomplice Jho Low has issued a statement claiming his innocence and alleging that he is being victimised by Malaysian PM Dr. Mahathir. This statement was, allegedly, put out by an unnamed Australian PR firm. Since they presumably did not do it for free they must have been paid by Jho and are, consequently,

Million Pound Man

It is reported that Paul Stadlen, former PR guru to Najib Razak, has invested money, perhaps amounting to more than a million pounds, in residential property in London. Further it seems that he has been trying to evict tenants from these properties in order to obtain the sites for multi million-pound development. How come then,

Economic Sabotage

As each day passes and Najib addresses anyone who is prepared to listen to his attempts at economic sabotage the public wonders more and more why he is allowed to remain on bail and doing his best to damage the country? His latest outpourings about Petronas are a part of a campaign, pathetic but potentially

Najib’s Gestapo

There appears to have been no change in the brutal culture practiced by the PDRM while arch criminal Najib was in power. Some will find this unsurprising seeing that the whole senior cadre of the Force, including Najib appointed IGP Fuzi, are still in place despite all the evidence of past misbehaviour, illegal and otherwise.

Much More To Do

  The US Department of Justice are to be congratulated for their work, and that of the FBI, in tracking down the swindlers Jho Low and Roger NG. Also for throwing light on the dirty money trail involving international bankers. Very commendable work which is still in progress and will, one hopes, bring more light

Promise but never deliver

Whichever PR consultant, hired by the Taib gang as part of their pre-election campaign, came up with that particular slogan he wrote more truly than he knew. Taib and his fellow criminals have been promising for decades but all they deliver is the money they get from the timber they steal and send abroad. And

Princely Gift

Najib Razak’s latest “explanation” for the infamous pink diamond is that it was given to Rosmah by a Middle Eastern Prince. Why? Najib does not appear to be able to explain that. Even the most pathetic cuckold might find it hard to believe that this gift was motiveless. Of course it is all nonsense and

No Bail Out?

Appearing once more on a whole series of new charges ex PM Najib pleaded for time to produce the new bail required of him. Surely it does not take the suggested month to free up money however deeply it may be buried outside Malaysia. The country will have it all back in any case so

Still Strong?

The UMNO leadership are insisting that their “party” is “still strong” because it has 49 MPs. If the electorate had not rebelled against BN corruption UMNO would not be in a minority in the Assembly. In fact they ought in reality to have no seats at all in view of the activities of past party

Timber Criminals

Now that even Shell, one of the biggest exploiters of world natural resources, have openly admitted that de-forestation is causing global warming and that re-forestation is the only answer is it not time for the PH government to put a stop to the rape of the remains of Sarawak’s forests by mega criminal Taib and

No Cover Up

The obvious reluctance of some of the Judiciary to pursue the question of the constitutionality of legal appointments made by the discredited former Prime Minister may be understandable as a matter of not wanting to wash dirty linen in public. But any member of the Judiciary who takes such a view is wrong both in

Public or Private

A lot of media noise is being generated at the moment as to whether Khazanah is a public or private entity. Without entering into that debate it is legitimate to ask whether those presently responsible for this very large fund are satisfied with how it was managed during the Najib/BN years. Given the doubts about

Come home Jho!

As if he would! It may be a secret for MACC where mega crook Jho Low is hiding but for most Malaysians it is a secret of polichinelle. What is more there is no secret about why the Power in question is ignoring Its international duty to return wanted mega criminals to their home jurisdiction.

Perversion of Democracy

Defeated roundly in a general election the criminalised opposition UMNO are now trying to pervert the result by manipulating the non- elected Senate. Thls body, mistakenly inserted into the original Constitution by the British, presumably to create a clone of their own unelected House of Lords, might have been intended to act as a check

Dead Men Tell No Tales

How convenient that a now deceased Saudi Monarch should appear as a silent witness to support Najib’s fairy tale excuse for his 1MDB thefts. Since that King cannot give evidence we are presumably expected to take Najib’s word for it about fabulous donations from him to our mega crook ex Prime Minister. If that is

Time For Tough Action

In remarks made publicly by the Prime Minister he expressed dissatisfaction with some minstries. Expanding on this he made it plain that the problem was with some members, obviously senior ones, of the Civil Service. These he described as “loyal to the previous regime” One essential quality of any civil service is impartiality towards all

Not Just A Lie

But a stupid one too. According to lawyer Shafee it was the current Prime Minister, whom he named, who he claims insisted that he, Shafee, be appointed prosecutor in the appeal against Anwar’s acquittal. This because, according to Shafee, it was thought that the Crown Law Office did not have anyone capable of conducting this

Opt Out Needed?

The public caning of two women in Trengganu, apparently justified under the provisions of Shariah law, raises a more general issue for Malaysia and Malaysians. Which is; can the use of religious law to inflict punishment of any kind be justified in the 21st. century? To those who would point to Middle Eastern countries where

Intelligence Agency?

The details now becoming public about the appeal to a foreign intelligence agency by, a clearly hopelessly unqualified, boss of its Malaysian counterpart (if such a description can be applied to the MEIO) to pay money to help fiddle the result of GE14 are risible in the extreme. It is hard, if not actually impossible,

I Have Not Been Briefed

This was the response of ex-IGP Khalid Abu Bakar when questioned about the disappearance of a member of the Malay community reported to have been involved in matters turning on the implementation of Sharia law in those parts of Malaysia where it is in force. Wherever that may be it certainly does not provide any

The UK Law Of Libel

TO ALL MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT. This component of UK civil law was last considered by Parliament in 2013 and resulted in the Libel Act 2013. This excellent piece of forward looking legislation should have removed many of the antique inequalities that existed prior to its passage but, in the instance, did not. That this was

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