Speakers' Corner

Occasional contributions from readers, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Sarawak Report but may be published at the discretion of the site

Still Posing

Ex PM Najib continues to pose as a respectable politician; the latest move being to champion taxi drivers over their grievances. PH do not appear to realise the danger posed by allowing this mega crook freedom to try to get public opinion on his side in the face of his multiple impending criminal trials. It […]

Terrorist Ideology?

A senior officer in the PDRM, reportedly charged with countering terrorism, is on record as saying that social media is a bigger terrorist threat than religious schools. Unfortunately he did not elaborate on this; giving rise to some unanswered questions. Firstly what, if any, are the official statistics that prove his assertion to be correct?

Low Cost Houses

  With a State election not far away it is no surprise to find Sarawak CM Johari, and no doubt State Governor Taib, talking about projects to benefit electors. One of these, it appears, is a project to build “low cost” houses at around RM 150,000 each. Who, it must be asked, will benefit from

Miss My Leadership?

Ex PM Najib claims publicly that many people miss his leadership! That is understandable, and to a limited extent, correct. These “missers” are composed of all those who benefited from stolen public money given to them by Najib. No need to name them. They and their organisations are well known and will be given all


This is a question that many Malaysians, apparently including the Prime Minister, are asking themselves about deputy IGP Noor. The number two in the PDRM hierarchy appears to think that what he called “strict action” is needed to prevent the Malaysian public from expressing any views at all about the recent abdication. Malaysia has just

Negative Perception?

IGP Fuzi, stepping outside the role of a police officer, has warned all Malaysians against posting what he called negative perceptions online about the recent abdication, saying that this could lead to questioning the role of monarchy in Malaysia. He should bear in mind that in plenty of other that have a monarchy, nominal or


  Does ex-PM Najib think we are all as stupid as he is? Apparently so, when he claims that the ECRL can easily be financed. If that were so why did he ask the CPG for RM50 billion allegedly for that purpose? Of course, as we all know, his request was not for the project

Good Question

It is for the senior PPBM personality in question to explain why he called upon the PH government to resume the granting of contracts to special interest groups, especially members of the Malay community. That, as has been pointed out, is the main reason why voters kicked out the corrupt BN government. And yet, only

Wiser To Keep Silent

  There has been recent Press comment on the series of social media post reputedly made by ex PM Najib. Of course everyone knows that he is not the author of these which bear all the hallmarks of professional image smiths. The latter, however, need to be paid, and handsomely paid. As to the suggestion

Sarawakian’s Money

In his Budget speech for 2019 Sarawak Chief Minister Abang Openg listed a sum of over RM2 billion as “investment income” That means that a huge capital sum of taxpayers money has been “invested” by the UMNO supporting State government in past years. Sarawakians have a right to know the full details about where that

Cave Dwellers?

Ex PM Najib queries publicly whether PH supporters have “ gone into caves” over the cost of living. However any economic problems that the country may or may not be encountering are all down to the years of Najib/UMNO plundering of the economy. Now the taxpayer and the public have to pick up that bill.  

Treated Like “S—T”

With apologies for using the s word one can only claim that without doing so the full vulgarity of UMNO ex-leader Zahid cannot be referred to. Zahid, who is facing forty plus criminal charges has complained that some unnamed PH members whom he alleges he met soon after GE14 treated him like s—t. How very

More UMNO Derangement

On top of the antics involving Najib, Zahid and any other UMNO members in filling the vacant post of party President now come threats by UMNO to sue former members who have left the party. Everyone knows that UMNO are not very bright but to think they can sue a former member for leaving is

Playing For Time

Ex PM and ex UMNO boss Najib Razak has failed in his latest bid to delay or impede his trial for multiple offences in connection with SRC. He must have known, or been advised, that he was wasting his time, and public money, in attempting to challenge the appointment of the lead prosecutor at his

Stirring the Pot?

UMNO remnant “leader” Zahid appears to be filling in time before prosecutions against him begin with attempts to make communal trouble. One can easily understand why he appears to have a distaste for the normal process of police investigation and subsequent prosecution. But to call for a Royal Commission of Enquiry into the unfortunate death

Finally got the message

“UMNO” “President” Zahid appears to have finally got the message. That being that someone with over forty criminal charges hanging over him really isn’t what any political party needs at its head. How this will affect BN/PAS relations is not yet clear. Perhaps PAS chief Hadi will take the opportunity of his visit to London,

Not Before Time

Press reports, which may or may not be accurate, indicate that in January action will begin to clean up the PDRM which acquired such a dire reputation during the Najib years. If these reports ARE correct the process should begin with the removal not just of the IGP, as the reports indicate, but the whole

True Struggle?

  That is how UMNO remnant chief and ex DPM Zahid described the rout of his party; decimated by defections. Interestingly he went on to say that the way forward is a struggle “for race and religion” If that had been Hadi, or any other PAS personality, the wording would be routine, unremarkable and capable

Hopeful Grassroots?

Najib relative and protégé ex Defence Minister Hishamuddin used that phrase to promote his call for action by the UMNO leadership. Since he has always been the puppet of his relative Najib one is entitled to assume that his call represents Najib’s reaction to the wave of UMNO defections. Why either of them should think

Tail Wagging The Dog?

UMNO President Zahid appears to be filling in his time before facing over forty criminal charges by steering the remnants of UMNO towards PAS. He has claimed publicly that UMNO (or what is left of it) would only work with PAS. That statement has significance beyond the possible state of Zahid’s mental health. It confirms

Sinking Ship

Like the proverbial rats jumping overboard the exodus from UMNO continues to grow. Now a Kelantan MP (who actually beat his PAS opponent in GE 14) follows suit. It can only be a matter of time before the remaining rump of Zahadists dive over the rail of the good ship UMNO. No one should be

Can’t Or Won’t?

That is the question to put to the Commissioner and her subordinates in the London Metropolitan Police in respect of the reports lodged by Swiss national Xavier Justo against a British national and ex-police officer. There is no need to go into details of the complaint which have been fully reported on the Sarawak Report

PAS At The Crossroads

The party, self-proclaimed champion of the Malays and Malay rights and privileges, now has to face the fact that an institution set up to assist Malay Muslims to perform the Haj is mired in corruption and financial mismanagement on an enormous scale. And all down to members of the Malay community. And all the while

Twenty Billion Black Hole

  It is announced that RM 20 BILLION of non performing assets (money speak for worthless) of Tabung Haji will be transferred to a central government agency to enable Haj payments to be continued. While that is a worthy purpose it does nothing to conceal the fact that the former Tabung Haji managers racked up

Making Recommendations – What’s Wrong With Malaysia’s Police

Speaking about an aspect of the recent temple problems IGP Fuzi told reporters that “we will be making recommendations to the Attorney General” This remark highlights what is wrong with the PDRM culture and explains why some Malaysians think that the PDRM, or its command element, more closely resemble the police forces of dictatorships than

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