Speakers' Corner

Occasional contributions from readers, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Sarawak Report but may be published at the discretion of the site

Saints Or Criminals?

PAS boss Hadi Awang has once again underlined PAS’s intention to work with UMNO.

This despite both the top bosses of UMNO under or awaiting trial for massive thefts of public money. Is that an Islamic good deed?

Or is it the act of a sick and ageing PAS leader desperate for one last throw at gaining power before he has to render his own account? If so he is wasting his time, and his followers money, and would be better occupied with a deep examination of his own conscience; if only to have his excuses ready.

There will be no ducking THAT examination. No lying excuses. No trumped up court cases to buy his way out if. With other people’s money. And what is it all about?

A hopeless attempt to imprison a whole people in the toils of religious extremism? Or just a get rich quick scheme for a collection of “leaders” who lack and want fancy houses, cars and other objects of worldly desire?

That is what the record,as opposed to the sanctimonious preaching, shows. Why not explain all that rather than preach hate for anyone who is not a co-religionist?

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