Speakers' Corner

Occasional contributions from readers, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Sarawak Report but may be published at the discretion of the site

Hiding Place?

The extraordinary action of the criminal Najib regime in summarily deporting three Turkish nationals may be more to do with the post power plans of Najib and the hippo rather than any desire to remove three harmless people from Malaysia and to send them back to face , at the least discrimination and harassment and, more likely, torture and detention without trial in Europe’s leading dictatorship, Turkey.

In the first place how does it come about that the twitter copper Khalid can simply deport these Turks without any court action? Could it be that if he took them to Court, as he should have done, they would not have been returned to Turkey? Is Khalid now a magistrate or judge that he can usurp the legal function at will?

It should be noted that there is nothing to show that the Turkish Government had asked Malaysia to deport these three and given grounds for that. The mere cancellation of their Turkish passports does not justify summary deportation by police officers without reference to a Court. This was a unilateral action by Malaysia.

Of course everyone knows that Khalid is a flunky of mega criminal Najib and would not have taken the action he did without Najib’s order and approval. Everyone also knows that one of Najib’s puppet Ministers would not have blustered about Malaysia’s right expel the three and demand why Malaysia should bear the burden of them. Without, of course, explaining what costs, if any, would fall on the Malaysian taxpayers if these three were allowed to remain, at least until the proper legal processes had taken place.

The real reason for this summary expulsion by Najib’s head running dog must be sought in the future plans of the criminal Prime Minister. The links between him and Turkey are well known. The hippo has made visits to that country. Not because she wanted to check out local jewellery shops but to decide if she would be prepared to live there when Najib has to run for it. There are very few countries that might offer him asylum and if the choice was between Turkey and, say, Zimbabwe the former might be preferred. They might feel at home in a Muslim dictatorship.

So when Ankara demands instant expulsion Najib, and so Khalid, jump to obey. Skin before principle any day!

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