Speakers' Corner

Occasional contributions from readers, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Sarawak Report but may be published at the discretion of the site

Big Fish And Smaller Fish

The withdrawal of the ban on travel by former AG Apandi brings back to pubic attention the fact that proceedings against mega crook Najib have obscured the facts about what is happening to his accomplices; of whom Apandi was a principal one.

Malaysians have not forgotten the show put on by Apandi when he “cleared” Najib while holding up to be photographed documentary proof of Najib’s guilt. That, admittedly, was the action of one unfit for any legal office but especially that of Attorney General.

Later Najib found a safe haven for Apandi in a para stratal body then under his control and the former AG has kept his head well down since PH came to power. The fact that smaller fish have to take their turn in Court after the bigger ones have left for Sg. Buloh does not make them any less guilty and it seems unwise to allow them out of the jurisdiction which still untried. Whose decision and why? PH owes the electorate an early and comprehensive explanation

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