Speakers' Corner

Occasional contributions from readers, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Sarawak Report but may be published at the discretion of the site

An RM80 million bribe.

This hand out to Islamic schools was announced by mega thief Najib Razak as though he was personally funding it! Of course he could easily afford to do so having stolen billions of public money during his period in office but no. It is the taxpayer who is providing this hefty sum to Islamic schools.

Worse, there is no provision in the budget for balancing payments to schools catering for other faiths which makes this hand out a blatant election bribe. Najib has, it seems, nerved himself to call an election this year, mainly because he knows that very soon the US Department of Justice and the Swiss prosecutors and many others will start criminal proceedings against many of his accomplices in his mega thefts from 1MDB and many other government funds.

Once that happens his electoral chances fall from 10%, where they are now, to zero, so making his imprisonment for life a virtual certainty. He seems to think that if he can buy, steal and manipulate an election before all this happens he will be able to blame his underlings for all his crimes and escape scot free himself.

Dream on Najis. You may have Beijing’s billions behind you but you face a domestic electorate sick to death of your crimes, your lying, your destruction of Malaysia’s reputation in the world and your racial intolerance. It is not just the other races in Malaysia that hate and despise you. It is also your own community which has seen you destroying the reputation of the Malays. A world record thief is not something they are proud of or want to keep in power.

Better get your (our) jet ready. Check with Istanbul that they will still have you and get the hippo to start packing her bags, and her (our) jewellery. You will only have a few hours notice to run for it. If that much.

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