Speakers' Corner

Occasional contributions from readers, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Sarawak Report but may be published at the discretion of the site

A Billion Dollar Surprise

In Court Najib claimed that he only found out that there was one BILLION in his account AFTER he was queried by the MACC. Since that can only have happened after he lost the election it means that for at least five years he did not check his bank balance!!

Who would believe a fairy tale like that? If there was even a word of truth in it it means that he did not look at a bank statement for years!  Of course he had to say something but that!  Why not a fairy godmother leaving a sack of a billion ringgit on his pillow? Or good old King A, now unfortunately deceased and unable to support Najib’s fairy tales, who thought Najib such a good Muslim.

Good God fearing fellows do not steal, let alone billions, and anyhow Najib has still to explain why these Arab “donations” were paid to his personal account and not to the Government through the Saudi Embassy. How did the kind King get Najib’s personal bank account number?  Pull the other one Bossku and if you cant get a better story try another mouthpiece.

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