Razak Baginda Chickens Out Of Giving Evidence

The judge’s verdict awaits in the Altantuya case. However the facts on which it will be based are so overwhelming that the defendant Razak Baginda has once again publicly refused to come to court to deny them……

What Was The RM2 Million For, Yang di-Pertuan Agong?

The present King of Malaysia has demonstrated on several occasions now that he feels no shame in publicly consorting with the convicted kleptocrat Najib Razak, so it is time to explain his motives and exactly what has happened to the money his family received from 1MDB? …….

Ng Was Guilty, But The Buck Does Not Stop There

Ex-Goldman banker Roger Ng has learnt you can be the fall guy and be found guilty at the same time. However, his trial has pointed a damning finger at far more senior figures who ought not be allowed to escape the evidence against them…..

Carbon Credit Rush Hits Papua New Guinea

As a shipload of mysterious timber extracted from Papua New Guinea is impounded in Bintulu we look at how the carbon speculators are also targeting the poor communities of that nation. This week one local Governor threw out a project he labelled a “scam” and future carbon credit deals have been suspended. A lesson for Malaysia?…..

Back To Business In Johor!

Once again it would seem that the Sultan of Johor has utilised an election period to drive through a massive construction project for his own benefit. This time it is the extraordinary Muar off-shore oil and gas reclamation scheme….

Ministry Of Justice Moves Against Britain’s Rogue Libel Lawyers At Last!

Just weeks ago it would have seemed inconceivable that the attack dogs from Britain’s defamation law firms, who have proved so relaxed about taking cash from all quarters to harass and silence journalists, would find themselves held to account. Now following an active campaign the UK government is taking action over their excesses together with other European authorities …..

What’s In A Name? Plenty When The Name Is Blavatnik Or Razak

The alleged cream of the next generation of Britain’s aspiring political leadership are being educated in governance at an institution set up by a man who made his money from the corruption of Putin’s Russia and lectured to by the brother of the world’s most notorious kleptocrat……

The Oligarch Syndrome – Has The Fog Of War Brought Clarity On Corruption?

Putin’s oligarchs have operated no differently to Jho Low. It beggars belief they raided the state without the sanction of the man in charge or got away with so much money (and stayed alive) without being proxies. So, just as Jho Low lobbied for Najib, why should the West imagine they have not acted as Putin’s agents all this while?……

Sabah’s Government Held To Ransom By A Carbon Kleptocrat – Devastating Plea To The UN!

Yesterday’s appeal to the UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous People by no less than 19 civil society organisations, including WWF Malaysia, the Centre for International Environmental Law and South East Asia Rainforest Research Partnership, is a damning document. It demands intervention by the international peace organisation over the state’s bogus ‘Nature Conservation Agreement’

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