Speakers' Corner

Occasional contributions from readers, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Sarawak Report but may be published at the discretion of the site

A Rotten Society

The latest revelations about thefts from FELDA confirm what most Malaysians already know; that the government of the country is in the hands of mega thieves. What is comparatively new in these latest revelations is that the Malay community is not exempt from the exactions of the criminals it elected into power; thinking, stupidly, that these UMNO thieves would protect Malay interests.

How wrong they were!  Far from protecting Malays the Najib/UMNO clique of thieves have systematically robbed them.  FELDA, Tabung Haji, KWAP and any other repository of public money drawn from the Malay community. And not merely robbed but proudly boasted about their illegal gains.

So what does the Malay community think now about UMNO; their supposed protector and guardian of Malay rights and advantages; conceded at Merdeka by a British administration desperate to rid itself of the colonialist label, and at the expense of the democracy that they so loudly preached. Conned like the British were?

The Malay community is now faced with a choice. To continue its support for a wholly discredited UMNO, now shown to be no more than a thieves kitchen.  Or to join with all Malaysians from all communities in kicking these thieves out of power and into jail where they richly deserve to be.

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